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As already indicated yesterday, we are currently experiencing a massive narrative change in Europe regarding Bitcoin. First the debate in the German Bundestag, then today a contribution in the European Parliament, and the media sector now portraying Bitcoin mining as a net positive for the European energy grid. Amazing!
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Yep, they are saying this now, but wait until they run out of electricity because they only get it from wind and solar. They haven’t noticed yet all those strange white lines that turn into filthy gray clouds in the sky and blocking the sunshine for the photovoltaic cells!! What a downer for them to realize this during their well earned economic crash and undesired demographic invasion.
Be humble or get humbled
Kleptocrat Eurocommies sowing the seeds of their demise. Prisoners dilemma playing out.
America, Fuck Yeah.
I am going to be honest. I liked it better when they hated us. Haha.
Wah this is the first positive post I have ever seen from you! Haha.
  • Norway is the biggest Bitcoin mining hub in Europe because it has abundant hydropower.
  • Bitcoin mining is also environmentally friendly in Iceland because it has abundant geothermal energy.
Bitcoin is subject to Schrödinger's Narrative - it is simultaneously a positive thing and a negative thing, until a bureaucrat needs it to be one or the other.
They like Bitcoin now, because it's helping them push green energy. As soon as the energy sector becomes more stable, Bitcoin will return to being a dirty coal-guzzling technology that funds organised crime and causes inflation.
Being ahead of the euro-bureaucrat curve is not a big achievement but still feels good.
what a great time to live in the EU then!
Will whoever sold the German 50k BTC get fired soon?
No gov parasyte ever gets fired
Hopefully DOGE changes that
Government workers aren't fired for bad decisions. In worst case they will be moved to different position in the same or different government agency. To get fired you need either some bad criminal case against you or stop appearing at work (working itself is not so mandatory, more important is to be at office in time).