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I was a BIG shitcoiner for quite some time. I had a fat metamask wallet full of all kinds of garbage, a stack of NFTs, and even coins earning a sick "yield". I was well versed in "defi" trading. It was completely normal to pay $150 in ETH fees to get a sweet new "web 3.0" coin on sushi swap. I made some pretty sweet margin trades that emptied my wallets in seconds.
I played all the games and lost so much money and opportunities to simply hold Bitcoin. Now that wallet has crumbled to dust that will never move again. Many lessons were learned, or were they?
I know I am not the only one. I think it is a normal path for some of us to start out way too greedy in this space. Many of experience the feeling that we missed the boat with Bitcoin and wanted to make up the ground. Maybe we even knew Bitcoin was the main event, but wanted to trade other coins to earn more Bitcoin. "I'm just going to hold these for this bull market and than I will stack sats" right? Can anyone relate? Are you a human, like me, that makes silly mistakes and must learn the hard way?
Or maybe you are one of these Bitcoin OGs that always knew everything else was a scam. Maybe you don't make mistakes. Maybe you are more human than human. I applaud you for your clarity and technical prowess. Good job avoiding the nonsense.
But many of us are just regular humans. And we make lots of mistakes along the way to Bitcoin enlightenment.
I like to be forgiving and I believe people can grow. I think someone can go through a period of doing silly things and making dumb "trades" and eventually see the light. The light being the realization that there was only ever Bitcoin. Stack sats and stay humble. That's it. So simple.
I want to hear from other reformed shitcoiners. I want I believe that it isn't just me that was so stupid for a period of time. Share about your missteps along the way.
Or maybe you believe that shitcoiners are always shitcoiners. And there is no hope for them. The only way to deal with them is to belittle them and "destroy" them. I want to hear from you as well.
What do you think?
Can a shitcoiner ever grow into a Bitcoiner?
Can you relate to my experience?
Thank you for reading and commenting.
I would love to hear from @Coinsreporter if you are open to sharing. Are you still dealing with other coins or are you a Bitcoin only yet? I have seen stuff shared on stacker showing that you have shilled other coins in the past. I don't judge if you still believe in other "cryptos" but I am curious if you have learned the lessons yet to become Bitcoin only?
Are you still dealing with other coins.. No, I'm not.
if you still believe in other "cryptos"
No, I don't.
if you have learned the lessons yet to become Bitcoin only?
Yes, I have.
I have seen stuff shared on stacker showing that you have shilled other coins in the past.
IN THE PAST that's the whole point. Those who're sharing all this stuff can't overcome this challenge. They can't find the stuff that suggests I'm a shitcoiner even today. Also some of the stuff shared by them isn't even mine from the past.
The Publish0x stuff is mine and you can visit it here https://www.publish0x.com/coinsreporter. In fact I've come to Stacker News from Publish0x. But those who hate me will only share those articles which suggest that I was being a shitcoiner but they won't share those where I said that I've been stacking Bitcoin for three years😁 https://www.publish0x.com/coinsreporter/what-are-you-going-to-stack-except-bitcoin-xpxyzvy
It's a truth that I wasn't a hardcore Bitcoiner until I started learning from Stackers here, including DC. But still he has a clash of perspective with me and I'm fine with it because he's more intelligent and experienced a Bitcoiner than I. But when he calls me a Shitcoiner he isn't right. But it's okay I don't care what he says and why should I care to listen to someone who thinks he's always right in everything. He's absolutely wrong spreading hatred and bullying newcomers to SN. If you don't let the shitcoiners or Bitcoin noobs (like I'm) to settle in on Stacker News how do you think those people ever gonna create a world full of Bitcoiners. I'm happy I found Stackers News and stood against his bullying (I'll always stand against it) and I'm a Bitcoiner now and I'm so grateful to Stacker News for turning me into one.
I noticed that the stuff posted, was from quite a while ago. I appreciate you clarifying directly here. I always want to support everyone on their Bitcoin journey and allow for people to grow without judging or holding onto the past. And I do not support the way that some individuals choose to interact on here. I do not see the value in putting people down and calling them names. I appreciate your commitment to stacker news and your work here. Thank you again for responding. And thank you for putting together the festival. I think it is a good idea. Keep it up.
Thanks for your kind words. One more thing that I want to add is that I was and I'm still on Publish0x and all other crap from anywhere else isn't mine; be it screenshots from x or elsewhere. Also why I'm on publish0x? First of all it's the platform that earned me something for my words for the first time. Now I'm using that as a cross publishing of some of my posts from SN. Many months ago I thought of deleting everything from there but then I realised, I got a few referrals coming from there to SN, so I left it as it is.
If you're on Nostr, I can tell you more on this. Please drop me a message if you would like to hear.
I read your life story post. Great read. Thanks for sharing and being vulnerable. Keep up your great work. Ignore the naysayer(s). Some are just too angry to feel love, and are unwilling to grow and see there is more to life than Bitcoin. We can only do so much for them. Focus on those who appreciate you. I feel you and appreciate you. 💚🙏🪄
deleted by author
I forgot to mention something that should clarify all the doubts of anyone.
It's a post made by me, just read it and tell me what do you think about the all of hatred that I'm getting. Please read it.
Yes of course. We can all grow, advance and improve as humans even former shitcoiners.
So there is hope. 💪
I was never a big shitcoiner, always had 90% bitcoin or more, but I did have a few shitcoins as part of my "portfolio" in the early days. It took me years to see the error of my ways.
You are smart for staying mostly Bitcoin. I got SUPER greedy. I always planned to go back to Bitcoin, knowing the truth deep down, but I had to get my ass handed to me to be truly humbled. I am hard headed and strong willed.
Actually shitcoins & gold is what has protected the Bitcoin I got at ~13800 in 2020...
Buying Ethereum at 200 and Monero at 30 made it so much easier to sell and spend those into the bear market, and also then spend the last stablecoins stashed away to buy in at 20k in 2023.
For too many reasons that are worth listing here I haven't got easy access to any fiat mines, actually the last time I had this "income" gig going was way back in 2018 haha!
It was not easy spend especially the gold, and yeah I lost some gains getting into the privacy space a bit too early in 2021, but overall I managed to get through all, while holding the same amount of Bitcoin since I totally melted my cards in 2020 ;-)
Another thing I find useful is to keep some stablecoins available for things like flying, I have used Travala for a couple of years, its a great service that just works. But, I do not want to manage even flights as a trade, its complicated getting the little travel I do right these days anyway...
Likewise I'll need to peel off some profits at some point later, the further I get in the process of starting some new, viable venture until then the less I need to convert of course.
I doubt that I've ever been below ~90% of value locked in Bitcoin versus whatever crypto I've used as tools, maybe except for when I made that 15x or so with Ethereum.
Another problem I've got is that although the Bitcoin community is getting around to producing platforms like SN and Nostr where I can get paid for content it also ignores functional projects like Hive, where I've made more on single posts than is realistic within the Bitcoin sphere.
Now, for these things too I do not want to venture outside of Bitcoin, which has been holding me back... I know I can get an interesting, rather comfortable and weird career in content, but only when I include any platform where I can earn, of course converting any excess gains into Bitcoin.
I've tried to discuss this part here and on Nostr, but its honestly like shouting into an abyss... I do hope Bitcoin comes around to rapidly building the same type of platforms, but I can also see a future where this does not happen... Competition to Hive and Arweave are the main things I need to see in order to go into content 100%, as of now I'm simply watching those projects to survive and get a boost into next year...
Might not read all replies, depends on the toxicity levels haha!
Thanks for the share. It sounds like you have been quite crafty at using the tools at your disposal. It seems like you can acknowledge the potential of Bitcoin as the best store if value while also seeing its shortcomings and learning to use other tools that work for you. I have never heard of hive or arweave. What are those?
Bitcoin as such has no shortcomings really, other than not covering what I need to monetize 4 decades of photography...
I've tested these things on Nostr, but Hive was what paid some decent amounts, still since its not Bitcoin I hesitate getting into it fully haha! (The easiest way to get started is Ecency, app and/or ecency.com)
Arweave is simple: pay once for at least theoretically long term storage, its what anyone publishing digital files would want to win. Of course maxis have killed off the ordinal space, without caring about supporting something similar, but maybe Arweave can get something done...
I've totally played around a lot with going 100% Bitcoin only, but these things hold me back from that... As a monetary storage I'm of course all in, except for what is lined up for near term spending :-)
Oh, forgot to mention that I sold that Ethereum at ~3500, bought at 200, Monero at ~150. That is what made them protect my main holdings in Bitcoin of course!
Yeah. There's always room for growth. Always room for improvement, education and greater understanding.
Let us keep growing together. 💪
I was a shitcoiner that worked in a couple defi projects, starting back in 2018. By 2019, Defi summer kicked off, and I was primed to go. I worked on one of the many ponzis, and was paid ~$4,000 a month to research other defi projects for our particular ponzi. I quit my full-time job for this. Ultimately, you stored your stables with us, and we invested in other ponzi's. We'd do the research and work to ensure we avoided the scams. My job was to find the scams, which meant dig into the team, their wallets, and read every technical document I could get my hands on. Then I'd write a report with necessary graphs and explain it to the dev team and community. For our project, there were 3 of us in the team doing this.
I learned a few things, and most of them kept bringing me back to two points.
  1. If it isn't PoW, it is easily captured by government or pressured to listen.
  2. If it has a central team or ownership, it will fail.
Over time, I eventually just cashed out and went to Bitcoin entirely. I still keep up to date with some of the newer tech (zero knowledge rollups stuff like that) out of sheer curiosity, but I'd never buy another token. I still have some of my old Avax stuff I need to cash out as I was on a vesting schedule during last bull, but I will turn that into bitcoin. The vast majority of these "projects" are worse than you can imagine.
Nobody in "crypto" reads the WP / Technical Documents. We had an active community of 30k, we released regular reports explaining our moves. Out of 30k members, we'd get 12 views. It's just marketing, buzzwords, and TradFi bro's dumping on gullible poor people.
The more you learn, the more all the roads point in one direction. Bitcoin.
Generally speaking if it doesn't require energy and thermodynamic 'work' to accomplish its value is... Zero.
Zero. It goes to zero.
The plane that 'requires no fuel'. The car that works 'with no gas and no battery'. The Train that runs, consuming no energy...
These things aren't innovations, they are scams.
It's no wonder then that 99.9% of 'crypto' goes to zero, and the 'crypto' that survives is PoW. Of the surviving PoW Bitcoin is by far the most liquid, most mature, most sophisticated, and biggest best adopted. That's what people eventually figure out.
Thank you for putting it so aptly.
POW is the only way. There are no free rides. It's hard to explain to new people but feels so natural once you get it. Thank you for the thoughtful comment.
Thank you for the thoughtful and honest response. I think it is important for us to acknowledge all the different paths that we can walk that all end at the same place. It doesn't make anyone better or worse than someone else. It just is A path. We all have one. I appreciate your unique perspective.
I definitely thought there would be something valuable at first in all the Altcoins. At the beginning I remember I struggled to even understand the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. I remember also I mistakenly enrolled for a hackathon for Bitcoin SV because the scam was good enough to use the name Bitcoin everywhere but in a small place where the logo had "SV" in it.
In my case I began in 2013 by selling Bitcoin to a Brazilian marketplace to make money with the asymmetry of information there was at the time between currencies. I remember that with a Chinese friend we tried to sell bitcoins but the Brazilian market was too small so it failed (I was the middle man with international connections to use multiple passports for KYC).
Then forgot about Bitcoin until 2017, then again in 2021 where thanks to Terra Luna I woke up with all the lies. Fortunately I didn't lose much money because for me the ethical aspect was more important than the return so I could not invest in KYC platforms and was very hesitant with Terra Luna. The other thing which saved me is work, as I couldn't do trading as I wished.
I think there are competent people in Altcoins but everything is so much rigged that competency in a field can be a disadvantage because of the noise and the money flows. One day their project will fail or be repurposed and eventually they might come to Bitcoin. The other problem I think might be an ego problem for public personas and admit they were wrong. Hopefully over time people will use social networks in better ways than pee on Bitcoin and there will be more recognition for its value.
The Bitcoin cash and Bitcoin SV are great examples of real shitcoiners to me. They should know better and choose to push their ponzi. They aren't uninformed, just super egoic. Disgusting.
I think there are many people in altcoon space with good intentions but are just not seeing part of the picture.
I think all roads in the "crypto" space eventually lead to Bitcoin. Everything built on top of the sound money base.
100% agree! Tucker Carlson with Roger Ver also, where he believes that Bitcoin is made by the CIA makes me speechless. As long as Satoshi himself didn't spell his name in Japanese, nobody can stop me from saying that his name could mean The Will of the village as in 里志 instead of Intelligence as in 聡.
I held 4 shitcoins for a month before deciding to focus solely on bitcoin, so I wouldnt really call myself a reformed shitcoiner.
I thought that bitcoin would go up in value forever, and thought it was silly to do anything else than focus on the thing I thought was more of a guarantee to the moon. Later I found out that shitcoins were not just bad investments, but a scam, and not just a scam, a grift and distraction from the guarantee. Then I found out that bitcoin should be used as money, then I started comparing bitcoin as money to dollars as money, bitcoin as money to real estate as money, bitcoin as money to stocks as money. Then found out the whole system is a scam, the "adults in the room" are either lying or delusional and that we live in a deflationary world, not an inflationary one. Then I ran around like a lunatic trying to tell people and they treated me like.....a lunatic, some even pitied me because they thought I was falling for the bitcoin ponzi.
Maybe we even knew Bitcoin was the main event, but wanted to trade other coins to earn more Bitcoin
Dollar sat parity is a thing. You can stack millions of "dollars" a paycheck. Dont gamble your million to make a billion, a million will be enough. Dont need to take crazy risks to get ahead.....this is ahead. No need to gamble your paycheck at the casino for more satoshi's.
Can a shitcoiner ever grow into a Bitcoiner?
Absolutely! but I say this from the standpoint of someone who barely understands the gambling urge. Why play the game if the odds are against you. Why work a 40 hour work week and take your paycheck to gamble on carnival games.
I hear this over and over... trade shitcoins to get more Bitcoin. Trade airtoken and airtoken not to hold... but to get more of the 'real stuff' (aka btc).
The problem of course is that nearly everyone trading altcoins is doing the exact. same. thing.
So noone wants to hold altcoins, and the vast majority are a desperate race to the bottom. If all the 'traders' can't wait to dump the altcoins to 'get more Bitcoin' then who actually holds the altcoins? It's like 'who can dump them the fastest... get in then get out quickly' it's completely self-fulfilling.
This is why I think seeing the lift is less about knowledge and more about the battle with self. Most people know deep down what the real deal is. But their ego and greed is too blinding. I think people have to go through their own shadows or hit rock bottom to get the final message.
It really is a matter of growing up. Some of struggle to want to grow up and see reality. A lot of us want to believe we can win the lottery or hit the jackpot ag the casino. It's not going to happen. There are no free lunches. Good to hear that you were able to see through it early on. Thanks for the share.
Pretty much 90% of the bitcoiners I have met who were 2016 - pre-2020 seem to have been burnt on shit coins at some point or another. So yea definitely they can, as many are maxis now.
I'm glad I'm not alone in my stupidity. And hopefully, the younger generation will learn faster. Do you think we have passed peak shitcoinery yet?
I believe so, retail isn’t coming back in large numbers and that’s why this cycle is going to be so painful for normies. They are going to see a bitcoin price they never thought fathomable because they didn’t take the time to understand it.
I agree. It definitely feels a lot different than cycles of the past. I am just grateful to be where I am with a plan to stack what I can.
It was completely normal to pay $150 in ETH fees to get a sweet new "web 3.0" coin on sushi swap.
this cracked me up. MAN, this shit made sense to people -- incredible
Dude. The power of greed. I am not generally a stupid person but my blinders were insane. It's easy for me to be stupid when I am feeling super greedy. It's like going to casino. We all know we only will lose there... And yet, people still do it.
do you think it's a life cycle effect or a period effect? That is: do you think everyone/most people go through a greedy shitcoinery phase, or it was just a thing in the ICO boom in 2017 and then again in the web3-crap in 2021-22?
I think as the greater collective opens up to it, it will make the truth much easier to see. So I think it is a period thing mostly.. and people have to be humbled as well. So both, but the period matters a lot. Like when I started, all politicians were dogging it. And it was going to boil the ocean. Now that looks very different.
Casinos are full of gambling addicts. 99% evolve into bums.
Early days, I was just bingeing YouTube vids, thinking I’m learning the “crypto game.” But what? Almost every so-called expert was hyping altcoins and NFTs... They made it sound like Bitcoin was too slow or boring. So, yeah, I dove in, chasing those “100x gems.”
And know what? 90% of people start like this... cuz most don’t wanna sit down and read or do deep research. They want shortcuts... quick wins. And YouTube? Full of influencers pushing bags they already hold.
I think it is part of the journey for many of us. Thank you for sharing.
I did some of that bullshit in 2017 bull run and also in 2021 one, so it taught me about 5 years to finally start DCA in 2022
Same here. I was mining in '21 and even though, I was tempted by a few shitcoin projects. I kind of knew but I wasn't all the way their yet. Greed is powerful.
Its actually insane how you can not learn anything and stay ignorant for years, even while being into space. I think there is too much spam from crypto influencers, and way too little valuable information. For me, starting to DCA in bear market required to actually reject all the internet noise, and having my own way that nobody seemed to share at the time of bad sentiment (and low prices)
people can learn and reform sure, it usually comes in the form of a rock-bottom money loss event, then you realize, all this gain chasing was for nothing and you see how much better life would have been if you had gone btc from the start.
however, I think if you are a person with a low dopamine threshold and prone to gambling and things, there's no hope for you
That makes sense. Come will never get here. I hit a hard bottom more than once. Not a good feeling. Like I said, I am hard headed sometimes.
I’ve been Bitcoin only from the beginning but I was “late” (Class of ‘21)
Still, many go down this path. A Bitcoiner is anyone with Bitcoin. Real on-chain Bitcoin.
A Bitcoin Maxi only has Bitcoin.
A Toxic Bitcoin Maxi is welcome on Stacker News 🫡
All welcome to Bitcoin as far as I am concerned. The more different type of people, the better. We all have different paths and rolls to play. You are one of the smart ones to get straight to Bitcoin. I am hopeful that it's easier for people to see the truth now than in 2017.
I hope so too.
For the nocoiners, I try to steer them away from the crypto exchanges!
“Here’s my referral code for River/strike/cash app. They’re like Coinbase, but without the scam coins. Bitcoin only.”
Yes! Good work.
I used to shitcoin. Used to. Still trying to get that stench off!
It takes a while. Stacking more sats on stacker and orange pilling is the best solution to getting it off.
I think I have always been transparent about my posting efforts on Publish0x. It’s a website in which I get ETH and OP on the OP chain.
Honestly, I feel that while Bitcoin is in a league of its own, there is space for some cryptos to exist. The Singapore government stores our vaccination certificates on the ETH blockchain. Some American cinemas accept Dogecoin as payment. If these cryptos can help me alleviate my costs of living, then why not?
However, the longer I spend time on these shitcoins, the more I realise how wonderful our mothership is. ETH gas fees are freaking insanely ex. I posted about my problem here because my Publish0x earnings always get decimated to nothingness haha.
No problem with that. Go where ever you get the value. You can always trade into Bitcoin. No different than earning fiat, the biggest shitcoin, and then getting Bitcoin with it. We do have a great mothership, don't we. Feels good to be here.
there is life before Bitcoin and life after Bitcoin!
in my experience, women are more commonly Bitcoin-only from the beginning than men.
I think that is because women have strong intuition and are less head strong. Men are kind of stupid sometimes because we think are so smart. Just like I am sure most gamblers are men. We all want to think we can win the unwinnable game. Women know better.
there is a short book i wish to read - "finite and infinite games." perhaps women more intuitively understand the infinite games.
Perhaps. Infinite is beyond the mind. This is why I tell you, I look to."know" less and just be. For me, feeling is more powerful. And women are naturally better feelers.
no. the process is always the same: you have to acquire the knowledge, then understand it, and finally apply it. there is no skipping steps - if u go straight to "being" without doing the difficult prerequisite steps, u will end up like a lost child.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
I am no stranger to taking the difficult steps. Which for me is about killing the ego, not studying.
There is a big difference between wisdom and knowledge. Do you want to be "smart" or closer to enlightenment?
Do you want to be "right" or see through the illusion of that which we perceive to be objective reality?
Do you believe in objective truth in this dimension?
Are you saying I am a lost child? Maybe. 🤷‍♂️
Claro que sí .me pasó algo similar
Gracias por compartir. Creo que es importante reconocer cómo llegamos aquí.
Once they study bitcoin they will grow into a Bitcoiner. For most people, they only really study bitcoin after getting rekt by shitcoins.
Yo me estoy leyendo El patrón bitcoin La historia del dinero asta llegar a bitcoin.lo recomiendo
I agree. It's like a right of passage for many of us I am guessing. I know it was for me.
You, me, and maybe most people. It's too hard for newcomers to not get sucked into shitcoins nowadays with so much marketing from Binance Kraken Coinbase and influencers...
I imagine it was easier if you got in back in 2012 or something before there was less noise. I got in in 2017 and that cycle was super hyped for "crypto". I am hopeful that things are shifting back the other way. Bitcoin has more "apparant legitimacy" now, within politics and ETFs, etc.. And "alt-coins" are hopefully dying. I see a lot of new people here that seem to have learned a lot faster than I did.
That's a great story, and hats off to you for accepting it openly! For me, I never got involved in shitcoins because, from the start I had this thinking "Other than Bitcoin, it's all shitcoins." I just thought that anyone could create and throw out their crypto currency and people would acquire it, make it something of value, and use it as MoE? Seriously? Also, I never understood how NFTs even work or why there's so much fuss about them. It doesn't even make sense, and I never tried to learn a single thing about it. Another big reason is that the majority of people who own Bitcoin also hold shitcoins because, for them, it's a quick get rich method. It's very hard to convince them, and they argue like, "Bro, I’m gonna get rich; let me use my money my way. I want to make money nothing else." I have mad respect for shitcoiners who become Bitcoiners!
Mistakes happen that's why we are humans. But just repeating them isn't a wise choice very few realize the latter part!
This is great to hear. I see a lot of new people in the space getting to the "Bitcoin only" light a lot more quickly these days. It's a good sign. When did you first start stacking Bitcoin?
In 2019, I first stacked them and forgot about it because I wanted to know how it works, then started learning about them through books, YouTube videos, and online courses to understand better.
Now, things are working fine for me. I’m still learning, but I’d say having Bitcoin has made me less worried and helped me focus on the things I really love. I surely don’t know as much as Darth and you guys here, but things are still great for me. I’m learning about BTC while also talking about my favorite stuffs. You know, I find it challenging to understand thing in one shot because I'm very dumb and I accept it, and I'm also learning English because it creates a language barrier in learning about Bitcoin.
For me, I don't need to understand it through and through. I just need to understand certain aspects that make it clear that it is the only way to store energy over time. It's limited in supply, it's decentralized, it's open source. I leave the rest to people that are much smarter than me.
That's a good point. You can either contribute to the Bitcoin community or be an advanced learner and contribute. Either way, you'll be helping. It's an individual choice I respect that and don't force it like others do.
My role here is to help people release toxicity that tends to push new people away. I think we need to be compassionate and patient.
Shipcoiners are professional scammers. They pick a meme coin and shill it to the nearest Shipcoiners whom they can fool and then watch what happens next and then rinse and repeat.
When I was buying them, I was just stupid..I wasn't trying to tell anyone what to do. I wasn't scamming. Is there 2 types of shitcoiners? Or am I just unclear what a shitcoiner is?
Fartcoin is the next Bitcoin.
I'll take 5 million. Where do I get 'em?
Simply mint Fartcoin 2.0, you'll be a billionaire right off the bat!
Oh, and also a fugitive of course...
Wait till after my lunch. I'm eating a bean burrito, so I should have about that many.
Bean burritos might be the best currency of the future. So good.