This question comes to my mind after seeing what has happened in the urban development where I live with my family.
Nearby they have begun to demolish houses, small buildings, sports centers and even a church, although we know that the latter is the least important and the most benefited from this.
The only one who wins on this occasion is the priest who will not miss the opportunity to build a new church and of course manage resources while the construction is carried out. And you do not have to be an auditor to know how those resources are managed. For every $3, two go to the priest's pocket and the last to the construction of the structure.
In another corner are the inhabitants of those houses, who possibly receive compensation for the demolished bricks, but not for their time and experiences on those lands. Which were never really theirs. It does not matter that there was a paper that indicated that they were owners. In reality they never were, the real owner was always THE STATE. They are the ones who at the end of the day have the last word, just like it happens on this occasion.
THE STATE decides to build a new road, and everything that is in its path will be demolished to carry out its work. Where once again we see the magic of money management, a part for the pockets of those involved, and a third remaining part destined for the road.
These are the examples of daily life that keep me hopeful and totally focused on Bitcoin. There is nothing on the earth's surface that allows us to protect our private property like Bitcoin does.
I am a believer in also having your bricks, but these should not be in the city, at the mercy of authoritarian governments that can decide at will when to throw them and when not, at least this is my thought.
I think that to really aspire to be the owner of your bricks and your land, you must be strategically located, you cannot be anywhere because at any time. They can confiscate it either by force for some displacement or another reason, or by good means as happened in this example, they give you something compensatory and goodbye, get out of the way the machinery has arrived.
Bitcoin represents the top of the pyramid with respect to private property, there is no way to contradict that.
Once you secure the maximum of your energy in this unbreakable private property, then you can alternatively locate yourself strategically speaking in some town or area that meets the optimal requirements of a place to live and have some private property there.
I invite you to comment and express what you think about the alternatives that exist for private property