Genesis 45:5 'But do not be sad or upset now that you have sold me to this place. For God has sent me before you to save lives."
God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1), He did not leave the earth to fend for itself. Bang He became involved in the lives of His people and the oversight of His creation. God is like a fine clockmaker 20 who has fashioned the world and given it the keys, and it now moves slowly on its own. Rather, He is a pained Father who cares for His created creation. God's constant care for His creation and His people is called in the language of religious doctrine 'His Providence.
Aspects of supervision. God's oversight has at least three aspects. (1) Conservation and God preserving the world he created by his power. Nehemiah praises God as the creator of the heavens, the earth, and everything in between, then testifies that "Thou hast established them all" (Neh. 1:6). Very quickly. Lord, you save man and beast (Psalm 36:6). This saving power of God is exercised through His Son Jesus Christ, as Paul also testified in Colossians 1917, who "is before all, and in Him all are established." The word steadiness (Greek 'shunisthemi') means to hold together, or to hold together: even the smallest parts of life are held together by the power of Christ.
(2) Settlement: God not only preserves the world he created, but also settles or manages his created beings. When God created the earth He also created the seasons (Genesis 1:14) and provided food for humans and animals (Genesis 1:29-30). After destroying the earth in the great flood, God promised to renew his arrangement by saying, "As long as the earth remains, there shall be no end of seedtime and of harvest, and of winter and of heat, and of summer and of autumn, and of day and of night." " (Genesis 8:22). Many psalms in the Psalms testify to God's goodness in providing for all His creatures (see for example Psalm 104:145). God Himself revealed to Job His creative and supervisory powers (Job 38-41). Jesus clearly acknowledges that God provides for the birds of the air and the small flowers of the field (Matthew 6:26-30 and 10:29). His care includes not only the physical needs of the people but also the spiritual needs (John 3:18-17). The Bible says that God has a special love and care for His own people and that He values each one of them (Psalm 91; see Matthew 10:31 and its notes). Paul plainly wrote to the Philippian believers, "And my God will supply you with all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (see Acts 4:19 and his notes). The apostle John says that God wants his people to be "skillful and sound" .
(3) Administration: Apart from preserving and providing for God's creation, He also manages the earth. Since God is sovereign, the events of history happen under his will and supervision. He intervenes directly among the dead in order to bring about His salvation , yet He limits His ultimate power and administrative power in this world until God has completed history. The Scriptures say that Satan is the god of this age (2 Cor. 4:4) and that he currently maintains considerable control over this wicked age (1 John 5:19 and Luke 13:16; Gal. 1:4; Eph. 6:12). : see Hebrews 2:14 etc.). In other words the world has now rebelled against God's rule and is enslaved by Satan. But note that God's self-limitation is only temporary. He will destroy Satan and all his forces in his own time and plan (Rev. 19-20).
God's Providence and Human Suffering. The Bible reveals that God's providence is not a neutral doctrine, but a daily matter in a sinful and fallen world. (1) Everyone experiences suffering at one time or another in his or her life, and the question "why" inevitably comes to mind (Job 7:17-21: Ps 10:1; 22:1: 74:11-12: Jer 14 :8-9, compare places 19 etc.). This human experience of evil and its place in God's plan creates many problems.
(2) The sin that entered the world through Adam's disobedience, God allowed man to suffer its consequences. As Joseph suffered a lot due to the violence and cruelty of his brothers. His brothers sold him into slavery and he became a servant of Potaphar in the land of Egypt (Genesis 37:39). Despite his godly life in Egypt, he was unjustly accused of immorality, thrown into prison (Genesis 39) and kept there for more than two years (Genesis 40:1-41:14). But notice God through these wrongdoings of HisHaha implemented. According to Joseph's testimony, God acted through Joseph's brothers to preserve life (Genesis 45:5: 50:20).
(3) We not only suffer from the sins of others, but we also suffer from our own sins. For example, crimes of immorality and adultery often break up marriages and families. Anger directed at another, if left unchecked, can result in serious injury or even the death of one or both. A person who steals or embezzles funds as a result of his greed can face imprisonment.
(4) The god of this world, Satan, is allowed to blind the minds of unbelievers and control their lives. It is as a result of his works that suffering comes into the world (2 Cor. 4:4: Eph. 2:1-3). The New Testament is full of examples of people suffering from demons or evil spirits. These spirits afflicted them with either mental anguish (Mark 5:1-14) or some physical disease (Matthew 9:32-33).
To say that God allows suffering does not mean that God is the cause of all the misfortunes that happen to us in the world or that he personally orders these sad events in life. When is God the inciting mind of any evil or ungodliness (James 1:13). Nevertheless, He sometimes authorizes, directs, or works through them to accomplish His will or to overrule them in order to accomplish His salvific purposes and work for the good of those who are faithful to Him.
Our relationship with God's providence. The Bible says that we have some responsibility to receive God's overseeing grace. (1) We must be obedient to God and His revealed will. As we see in the life of Joseph, as Joseph honored God with his life of obedience, God honored him with him (Genesis 39:2-3, 21, 23). Similarly, when King Herod wanted to kill Jesus, Jesus' parents were forced by God to flee to Egypt for Jesus' sake and to experience God's saving care (see Matthew 2:13 and note). For those who fear God and acknowledge Him in all their ways, there is a promise that God will restore all their steps (Proverbs 3:5-7).
(2) God directs the affairs of the church under his supervision and each of us as his servants. As we serve Him and minister to others in His name, we are to do God's will in all things (cf. Acts 18:9-10: 23:11; 26:15-18; 27:22-24).
(3) If we would work all things for our good, we must love God and obey him by faith .
(4) To experience God's care in the midst of suffering, we must call upon Him with unceasing prayer and faith. Through prayer and faith we realize the peace of God (Philippians 4:6-7). We receive strength from the Lord (Eph. 3:16; Phil. 4:13) and God's mercy, grace, and help in times of need (Heb. 4:16 and Phil. 4:6 his commentary). The prayer of faith can be for ourselves or for others (Romans 15:30-32).