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Germany is basically like the famous Gallic village in the comic strip: surrounded by technically superior powers, such as nuclear power in this case, which they themselves reject. It's like the Gallic village, only soon everyone will lose interest in wokeistan.
Germany is just drunk on fiat and the legacy of strong manufacturing and having the king economy in Europe.
Germany is just a protectorate for the US/Israeli oligarchs. They're completely captured by transatlantic interests since WW1.
Sad buttrue. But please put the UK into the equation too.
Most of these countries, pictured above, do not have nuclear power.... Don't trust, verify!
Didn't we have this debate on nostr? It's a symbol of G's policy. In Poland for example You could put some lovely coal power plants at the border that provide the german wokies with emission free coal energy
Didn't we have this debate on nostr?
Took me a while to realize xD But yes we did!