The hashrate does not fluctuate one day to the next like that chart shows, but since there is no way to accurately measure the current hashrate, the hashrate is estimated. Of course, the shorter the timeframe, the more wildly off the estimate.
Yes, the hashrate is increasing -- maybe 260 EH/s or so nowadays. But it is not 294 EH/s today, I can assure you that.
You can't "assure" what the hashrate is or is not so maybe stop wasting everyone's time with your futile comments.
It's notable that we've hit a new peak which is what the post is meant to announce, we can see and will see the trend over time and changes can be attributable to many different real world factors, for example intermittent mining during energy use lulls and spikes, connectivity outages, fluctuations in profitability of other competing SHA256 coins etc..
If you still have a problem, take it up with the higher profile folks posting similar information, for example: https://twitter.com/CarlBMenger/status/1580158716778717185
russian miners