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I hear it all the time. People want to save up X amount so they can retire. Apparently, it is this time and space we are all supposed to want to get to. But what does it mean? I hear things like I want to travel, I want to have free time to spend with family, I want to not have to work, I want to play golf, I want to buy some property. And what else? What next?
For me, if I am not working on building or contributing something towards a vision, I feel like I have no purpose. What is a hu-man with no purpose? Where are we truly headed, perhaps it is a mirage. I think what we really want is freedom to work on the things we want to work on. Don't we all want a reason to get up in the morning? Don't we always want to have a goal in mind to work towards?
What if you suddenly had financial freedom? How would you actually spend your days. Have you thought about what you would do in your 'retirement'? Obviously this is a very personal question. I want to hear what people are passionate about making happen in their future. And if we are making things happen, are we really re-tired or are we just finally free? Why would want anyone to be tired again? πŸ˜‰
Thank you for reading and commenting. πŸ’š
Thanks to @Akg10s3 for inspiring this post.
More travel. More time for hobbies that are just beyond the "no time for it all" line at the moment.
Also keep working. But on things I want to, when I want to. Work is health and sanity.
What kind of hobbies are you interested in?
There are hobbies I already make time for. Writing (non fiction), dev, tech and finance related stuff. Things that directly help my life professionally and personally and those around me.
Then there's the hobbies I suck at or have never gave an honest try. Those are the ones that'd get unlocked by financial independence.
Music comes to mind first. Actually a big part of my life but solely as a consumer and wannabe connoisseur. It'd be nice to be more than that and actually produce or play some. It's also a long running tradition in my extended family. All my uncles, grandpa's used to play something, some in marching bands. I'm the black sheep of the family so it'd be one thing to keep some ties and keep a tradition going.
Writing (fiction), harder because English isn't my first language and I need to read and write a lot more to get up to speed.
Adventurous stuff like travels, running the iron man or spartan race, skydiving, etc. My friend really wants to get me into Warhammer. I said I'd give it a shot if he learns about Bitcoin the proper way. Still waiting :P
Sounds like you have plenty of awesome ideas about how to spend your time post "job life". I want so badly to be good at making music. I have been holding onto gear for years. Finally got rid of most of it. I love the idea, but when I sit down to make something I get discouraged quickly and think maybe I should stick to listening to music.
When you first got the gear was it something you wanted to try to live off of or a side gig? or mostly for the fun of it?
Definitely for fun. I'm not very good at any of it. I just fantasize about making music.
What if you suddenly had financial freedom?
I would have a house on the beach, I would travel several times a year, I would gather my whole family in one city, I would pamper them and take them on trips wherever they wanted. I would have peace of mind in several aspects.
That sounds nice. It does feel nice to give to family. Do you think that would be fulfilling long term?
For me, yes. I haven't seen my family for years. I wish with all my heart to be with them again. Making the people I love happy is everything to me.
I can appreciate that. I want to have more babies to take care of.
Thank you for sharing such deep and reflective thoughts. I completely agree with you: the idea of "retirement" is often presented as a final destination, but in reality, it can be so much more.
As you mentioned, having a purpose is essential. Life isn't just about accumulating wealth; it's about contributing to something meaningful. Working on projects we are passionate about can give us a sense of direction and fulfillment.
True freedom isn't just about not working; it's about choosing how we want to spend our time. Whether it’s traveling, spending time with family, or pursuing a hobby, what matters is that those activities fill us with joy and make us feel alive.
The question of how we would spend our days with financial freedom is crucial. Personally, I've thought about helping my family and playing sports. I believe it’s vital to have goals that motivate us to get up each day.
Instead of seeing "retirement" as an end, we could view it as a new beginning. Isn’t it exciting to think about all the possibilities that await us? Ultimately, what we really want is the freedom to create our own lives, filled with purpose and passion.
Thanks again for opening up this space for conversation. πŸ’—
I agree with all that. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I don't think I have sene you here before. Are you new on stacker?
yes! I am new here, excited to continue discovering and willing to acquire as much knowledge as possible. I'm glad you like my comment!
Great. I am the founder of the ~alter_native territory. We try to have discussions in there that are more about sharing personal perspectives. This is a great place to learn. Stacker is a lot of technical talk which I am not huge on but there is also a lot of great stuff here if you look around. What do you like to share about?
basically anything that fills me with knowledge! I consider myself as a very open minded person, I can handle any information with previous preparation
Having financial freedom it's having options to decide how do you want to spend your time. If you enjoy your job, you could work few hours per week, but if you are one of the many workers who doesn't like their job and you have wealth, why spend your time doing something you don't like.
Some people would focus on their families, others would focus on learning a new hobby or practicing sports.
Now days, I have more free time so I'm enjoying playing tennis 3 times per week, learning a new language, reading and having great family time.
Remember, you choose whatever you want to do. If you get bored, just change to a new activity.
I do see financial freedom differently than how we typically see retirement. I am a tennis player also. I haven't played in quite a while. This is making me want to play again.
There are 47 prefectures in Japan. I have visited about 34 of them. I hope to visit the remaining 13 and populate my blog with my sassy writing. That’s all
I'm glad that our conversation has given way to your ideas!! And to this post!! Excellent πŸ™‚πŸ‘Œ
I think you're completely correct. If I didn't have my current resource constraints, I would put more time and attention towards reading, writing, gaming, and playing with my kid. I would also live somewhere nicer.
Knowing that, though, I can work towards having more of those things and less of things that are less meaningful to me. No need to wait for some indefinite future state called "retirement".
pretty much similar to what I'm doing now: reading, writing, editing.
Maybe open a yoga studio in my village.
But yeah, "retirement" (or "wealth" -- you know the silly question, What'd you do if bitcoin hit 1mil/10mil?) looks very much like the present
That's a good sign. I will always encourage people to live their best life now. That's awesome you are a yoga teacher. My wife is a yoga teacher..I practice a little. I think it is great in so many ways. I love it and want to do it more.
Time to do what I enjoy, focus on my family and everything comes after.
Find peace and travel. Read a lot and have good friends around.
Live financially independent
Nice. I always wanted to be more of a reader..I kind of envy people I know that find so much peace and contentment in a book.
Ask @denlillaapan about books and reading. Other than Tyler Cowen, I don't know anyone who reads as many books as he does.
pff! I deserve no such praise.
I used to -- 2019 to 2022, probably about 50-60 books a year. This year? Maybe 10-15. Life (and fiat/bullshit jobs) getting in the way.
Agree that having work gives me a sense of purpose. When younger mostly wanted to avoid work but as I got older work became more and more part of my sense of value and purpose and enjoyment of life. So now having enough stacked to 'retire' has not meant stopping work but rather means being more focused on doing the work I really want to do. Since Bitcoin freed me to retire I have build three houses and developed an offgrid home, done some travel and a lot more. So for me, retiring means NOT having to do the work that previously you felt you had to do to get income...instead being free to choose to do projects you want to do.
I agree. Sounds like you are living quite the fulfilling life. Keep it up.
Yes the weird thing is now I'm 'retired' I feel more productive than before when I felt trapped in a cycle of 'work' and survival. The fiat debt monetary system traps many of us into a soul destroying cycle of work that is more like slavery, debt and needless consumption. The banks are incentivised to impose as much debt upon us as they can because that is how they profit from us under the fiat debt system. The banks do not want people to have liquid capital (savings) and the consequent freedom and power to live their lives more creatively - they want us trapped into wage slavery and debt. A lot of people have already been empowered by Bitcoin to live closer to how they want to and that builds a more positive productive and free society.
I feel the same. Since I quit working a regular job, I am living a simple, way more fulfilling life. I used to be in a debt trap, always consuming, it was never enough. Now I work on all kinds of things and I am super excited about my many projects.
For me, retirement looks like not having to work for money to live. Right now I maximize my money coming in and try to minimize the work that I do. Eventually I will be able to work / help people without requiring money for that work. Then I will be free to teach spirituality, tutor math, physics, programming, and offer massages to help people destress. I would also love to travel. Maybe I will be able to retire in 5 years at 50. My younger brother retired at 41. I’m slightly jealous but mostly happy for him.
For now, I will keep working and I wish all financial freedom as soon as possible.
Then I will be free to teach spirituality, tutor math, physics, programming, and offer massages to help people destress.
I love this. I think helping others is the most fulfilling thing we can do with our energy. You have a lot of great knowledge to share. What keeps you from focusing on sharing that stuff now?
By 6pm, after work I am pretty tired. I eat dinner and spend time with my son until 9pm. Then I have an hour or 2 to do whatever I want (usually gaming or a movie). Then the cycle repeats the next day. The weekends I have more time to help. Sometimes I try to help local groups but usually I plan a day trip and take the family somewhere. Sunday I go to music/message/meditation at a local service. Then I enjoy my Sundays relaxing. I guess I could try to do tutoring or helping in some way then, but I am too lazy. I feel like I will be able to help out more when I am not working Monday through Friday.
Lol nothing changes for me I will work until i die, I don't vacay well at all!
That's how I feel. I would go nuts without something to work on.
To me retirement is ultimate freedom to do what you want when you want. It has various forms of definitions and meanings depending when and who you talk to. To me to be paid for something you love and would do for free is the ultimate retirement due to you never having to go to work again...idk my thoughts love to see the others in here. To be honest yes it is nice to be on stacker and actually trade your knowledge for sats and vice versa...when I do have free time I do like to scroll through read up and comment also that stacker news live show is easily one of the best out there
There are a few of us that want freedom to hang out on stacker more. I love it.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Ge 9 Dec 2024
i hear of people spending all day on here contributing making decent money sounds like a dream just have so much going on maybe i can throw an hour a day into schedule u got me motivated now
Awesome..it is a low time preference thing..for me sats feel valuable. If I am able to make a couple thousand sats for sharing and engaging, it feels so good..
A way to work without breaking my back
Do you do back breaking work now?
It's intermittent, but yes. Some days are easy. I'm working to set up a business that an 80 year old can do and still enjoy. Got to think ahead like that! I can't imagine not working.
set up a business that an 80 year old can do and still enjoy.
Great idea.
I have a lot of free time. I spend most of my days on Stacker News and with my kids and that's a good way to spend time in my book.
Me too. I am coming to terms with the fact that stacker is a decent way to spend my time. I spend a lot of time here also and sometimes I judge myself about it. but I really enjoy it and it feels like I am part of something big. I just have to be careful not to get obsessive about. Then it isn't as fun.
Agreed. I think you are doing an awesome job with alter_native.
Thank you. I am really happy I pulled the trigger on it. It felt like a strange idea but it's shaping up nicely. You as well..I like seeing territory founders that are super active. Some of these places feel like ghost towns. You are so proactive in making your space a go to for sports lovers..