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What do you want to know?
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What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about inflation?
That it's a law of nature like gravity or the ocean tide. It's something that happens naturally as time goes on.
Is the plan to try to get the movie on bigger platforms like Prime, Netflix, HBO, etc.? How realistic would that be? I have no idea how one goes about getting their movie onto those places, I'm curious how hard it is
Yup that's the plan. You need to know someone to get through though.
I think the film is universally relatable given inflation is raging and so is Bitcoin.
Since neither is going away I think it's just a matter of time before someone who is connected to these platforms sees the film and helps me get in.
The film was spectacular, it was excellent watching with my dinner steak last night!
Any more movies planned for the future?
Thank you! I'm very proud of my work :)
Nothing planned for the future, a lot of life got put on hold while I made this film and financially I would have been better off not doing it, continue fiat mining and stacking sats.
No regrets but it's hard to imagine raising enough money to do another massive project and have it line up with personal life goals like raising a family.
For now, I'm going to keep beating the drum and try to get as many people to see this masterpiece :)
Question for you all! If you could pick a topic or person to make a Bitcoin film about, what would it be?
Bit of a curveball answer, but I believe Geoengineering is the most important topic that needs WAY more eyeballs right now. The below documentaries are just a couple of the only ones that've been made about it, we need way more
Been spraying us to death all summer. I'd love to know why, but I can't even get people to discuss it.
Seems pretty obvious that it's weather control, and that shouldn't be all that controversial, but I have a hard time getting people to even admit that those long stringy clouds just came out of that plane. The memory hole is working really well, these days.
I'll look into these!
I don't know much about Geoengineering but I know what each of those words mean and I'm already very interested!
It's going to blow your mind.
Here's a whole playlist of videos on it I've been compiling. Buckle up...
Watching that Frakenskies doc. Really good until about an hour in. They introduce some guy talking about "Orgones", and now I can't show this to anyone. :/ Not even sure why that's in there, except to discredit the entire topic. Good doc, but it's a Trojan horse. Shame.
Amir Taaki will be interesting to invite him in your next film.
205 sats \ 3 replies \ @OT 6 Dec 2024
Maybe something that is aimed at separating bitcoin from crypto in an educational way. This is still a big learning boundary for noobs.
This is exactly what I've been thinking about.
No More Inflation very briefly touches on this since it's targeting no-coiners.
But I would like to do something deeper that has the potential to enlighten shitcoiners.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 6 Dec 2024
Cool, yeah I find some bitcoiners go a little hard with the immune response and it doesn't really work well.
A deep dive on legal aspects of using real money instead of currency (or negotiable instruments) and how it can impact lives in terms of freedom, ownership, independence, speech.
Thanks for asking, a film about how Bitcoin is transforming lives in regions experiencing hyperinflation or economic collapse. A deep dive into real stories like how people in Venezuela, Zimbabwe or Lebanon are using Bitcoin as a lifeline. Or a documentary featuring the heroes who laid the groundwork for decentralized systems, privacy, and digital freedom.
Agreed, I see this as a series, one person is the focus per episode.
Shoutout to my mom for forcing me to take typing lessons when I was a kid, makes this experience so much better! haha!
Do you run your own Bitcoin and/or LN node?
I do run my own Bitcoin node. I ran an LN node for a while to learn how it works but now I don't run my own LN node.
Pulling Graham Hancock for the film is just epic. How did you manage to reel him in?
Also asking personally because he'd be a dream guest for my podcast someday 👀
Hussle and luck.
I went to an event he was speaking at and lurked for 2 days until I got 10 seconds to talk to him.
"I'm a filmmaker, I'm making a film about Foreign Aid, I know you wrote a book about it in 1989 and I'd love to interview you about it, is that something that interests you?"
He gave me his contact info and said he couldn't do it until late 2024.
Months later I saw he was speaking at another event and I offered to film his talk for free to pay him back for the ways he's inspired me.
He denied but said he would do the interview for my film if I could pose 3 questions that intrigued him.
My questions did intrigue him and I nailed the interview :)
Ha, I was about to ask the same... good question!
It was truly a dream come true.. never thought I'd interview Graham but Bitcoin can do amazing things for us :)
did you gave him some sats? 😂😂😂
I definitely planted the seed, he was asking about how a wallet works and how long it would take to send it to someone and how much it would cost in fees.
With the price rising, I should be hearing from him any day now to actually get some sats :)
Alright guys, this has been fun! I'm gonna checkout the other threads on this site and engage a bit more.
Feel free to add more questions here and I'll get around to them.
I really had a great time and I thank you all for your time, energy and sats, I love you all.
What is a Bitcoin circular economy for you?
Bitcoin Berlin in El Salvador is the perfect example.
Started with one business accepting Bitcoin and calling a local Bitcoiner every week to sell it for cash.
Until other businesses wanted to accept Bitcoin like the grocery store for example.
Then the businesses never called for cash anymore, they simply spent the sats.
Now there are 100 businesses or so accepting Bitcoin, you can literally get any product or service and pay in Bitcoin.
They use Blink so it's custodial but still an incredible circular economy.
So in short, a circular economy is when people accept bitcoin as payment and use that bitcoin to pay for other things.
I love the answer!
Respect :)
Have you seen the conspiracy theories regarding classical buildings from the Old World? My Lunch Break channel on youtube and rumble - people always want to visit these structures in order to see how beautiful they are, but have no idea what they are looking at. i wish the author were a bitcoiner, he wud have such a wide reach & great resources.
No I haven't! send me a few links!
Supposedly you will want to make another documentary. What would you choose?
  1. a documentary about all the hacks / inside jobs / scandals in Bitcoin world from the beginning until present
  2. a documentary about real cases where Bitcoin totally changed people's life, all around the world. Real use cases, real stories.
  1. definitely.
I always gravitated towards human stories, they're more interesting to me.
This film covers the foundation anyone needs to start to appreciate Bitcoin.
The next one would likely be a deeper dive covering the next series of questions people might have about Bitcoin.
And like you said, I would communicate that by telling real stories of people around the world.
Do you know about https://indeehub.studio/ and https://lightning.video and https://www.flare.pub/ as streaming platforms supporting Bitcoin? What do you think about them?
I am aware of these platforms but the goal is for this film to reach outside the Bitcoin bubble. For now, releasing it on my own and having people pay $10 has likely brought in more money than I could make with these platforms, maybe I'll reconsider in the future.
Ah no, I asked just to see the POV of a filmmaker about those platforms. I understand that you wanted a broader audience with your documentary 👍
So far the V4V model doesn't bring in enough to make a project like this sustainable.
How much time did you dedicate for making this amazing documentary film?
I started planning it in October of 2022.
It's hard to say because e I was working on it, thinking about it or dreaming about it 24 hours a day every day.
So 24hours x 365 days x 2 = 17,000 hours
That's why it's been such a relief to finish it!
I feel dumb given the in-depth questions but what is No More Inflation?
No dumb questions my friend. It is a documentary exploring the cause, impact and solution to inflation.
You can watch it in full at https://nomoreinflation.com
Thank you!
Thank you! I see you
Your website asks for $USD9.99 but I now see if I progress through the payment process I can pay with LN- Great! Have just paid. Well done and looking forward to watching this doco.
You might want to clarify on the website that we can pay in LN as its not clear until you progress toward payment!
Girlfriend loved it. You have triumphed where I have failed! Thank you sir. It was a great doc!
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 7 Dec 2024
I agree, I watched the whole thing.
thank you! glad you enjoyed it :)
Totally agree. What a well made documentary. This really put things more into perspective and further strengthened and reinforced my conviction of Bitcoin.
Glad to hear it!
Hell ya! this is a common thing I hear, the women love it!!! happy to do it :)
This might be a bit off-topic, but after this AMA, do you see yourselves using SN in the future to stay connected with the community?
Time will tell, but I do see the value. I like writing, I think it forces you to organize your thoughts in a more meaningful way and I like how sats are tied in.
I'll def stick around enough to redistribute the sats I earned on this thread :)
Glad to hear that! I hope to see more of your posts and updates here in the future. Thanks
This is the only go
Also confused by this but will send sats!
It was truly a dream come true..
What’s your why?
To enlighten people before the next financial flood to smooth out the transition from fiat to Bitcoin.
How do you respond to critics who say Bitcoin is too volatile to serve as a hedge against inflation?
Is there a place that you didn't get to visit, or haven't gone to yet that you'd like to?
Lebanon was on the list, and I had plane tickets, but I had to cancel due to the conflict in the region.
I was really lookign forward to meeting bitcoiners there since they had been through so much with debasement and lack of access to their money at the banks.
Not to mention Baalbek and the 1200 ton megaliths!
Were you ever afraid for your safety going to all of these places?
Fortunately there are Bitcoiners in every country so I always got good info on where to stay and where not to go without a local. So no, never had any scary moments fortunately :)
That's really amazing that you've gotten to see so much of the world. I've only ever gotten out of my country once.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Dec 2024
Of all the places you visited, which are the best to live, raise a family, prosper?
Tough question... I didn't spend enough time in any location to get a good feel for this.
What advice would you give for aspiring documentarians?
Find THE story.
You don't need the best camera or lighting or audio equipment, you NEED a powerful story.
Focus on that, follow your instincts, strive to impress yourself, seek feedback but treat them as suggestions, ultimately you decide what is "good", all the answers are within.
Thank you so much for your response! Looking forward to watching this documentary tonight!
hell ya, come back here and tell me what you think after you watch it :)
If you could summarize the solution to inflation in one sentence what would it be?
Money that can't be printed.
How long does it take you to film and edit a documentary?
Each project is different depending on the scope.
A documentary following one person is much easier than a global documentary about inflation and Bitcoin.
No More Inflation took me 2 years of total focus and attention.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Dec 2024
Do you have any regrets around the movie? Would you have made something different if you had the chance?
Absolutely not.
I knew the whole time I was building my house while I was making the film.
I took advantage of every opportunity, I traveled far, I stayed up late, I woke up early, I stayed open to the winds of the universe, adjusted my sails and rode every wave with my all.
It's one of the reasons why I am at peace, I reached the top, there is nothing bigger for a filmmaker than making a full length film that can have an impact in this world.
I can rest now and be content with whatever the future brings :)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 6 Dec 2024
If you hadn't made No More Inflation, what would you have been doing for the last 2 years?
What I was doing for many years prior, making short films for businesses and stacking sats.
Perhaps I would already have a child by now... but that's ok, that's what's coming next.
And the film, if it reaches the masses will help make the transition from fiat to Bitcoin smoother and better for me and my children.
So no regrets!
What’s one lesson you learned while making this documentary that you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life?
Also, making a film on your own is a massive task.
Not to mention inflation is a massive topic.
And so is Bitcoin.
So I learned I can manage a shit ton of work, organize it, distill it and make it my bitch.
It made me see how powerful I can be.
Bitcoin can enrich your life to an extent never imagined.
I never imagined I'd be making a full length film but Bitcoin allowed me to do it.
It also introduced me to many many new friends around the world.
Even if the film flops, the journey has changed me for the better.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Dec 2024
What was the most eye opening conversation or happening during the shooting?
This woman from South Sudan, she didn't make it in the film but I was overcome with emotion during our interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oCB848n8zM
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 6 Dec 2024
Where can I watch it?
What’s next for you after this documentary? Do you have plans for a follow-up or related projects?
Nothing planned for the future, a lot of life got put on hold while I made this film and financially I would have been better off not doing it, continue fiat mining and stacking sats. No regrets but it's hard to imagine raising enough money to do another massive project and have it line up with personal life goals like raising a family. For now, I'm going to keep beating the drum and try to get as many people to see this masterpiece :)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 6 Dec 2024
What's something you believe about bitcoin that few bitcoiners agree with you on?
Fiat will die sooner than most people think.
What's the most surprising thing you learned making No More Inflation?
The Bitcoin space is more political than I thought.
I thought it was more of a meritocracy, it is in many ways, but in many ways it's very political
300 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 6 Dec 2024
I had this epiphany myself after a few years in the thick of it. It's one of the most disappointing things I've experienced ever.
Everything in life boils down to how you judge it.
I was disappointed at first but I reminded myself it is what it is.
We are all connected in this world, people behave in the ways they do for a reason.
I cannot be who I am without them being who they are.
I truly love everyone I met on this journey, those that helped and those that didn't.
They are all necessary and I needed all of them.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 6 Dec 2024
Smartest person you've ever met?
My brother and Rockstar Dev
What do you do for a living? INCOME SOURCE?
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ken 7 Dec 2024
deleted by author
I'm confused but I'll send you some sats anyway!