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I tried @Fountain a few times in the past and I never kept using it since content discovery wasn't very convenient and I never got any sats for listening to podcasts.
Since it now integrates with Nostr, I though to give it a try again yesterday, with no big expectations, to be honest, but I've been surprised by the improvements. Usability and content discovery have vastly improved, I think, and after listening to a few hours of content I got 10 sats.
Today I've been listening to some more podcast episodes and I'm enjoying it, but I haven't got any more sats. Is there some kind of limitation to 10 sats earned by listening until you do anything else or so? I haven't found any information about that or any answer to the many questions of people who never got any sats on a few different forums.
The earnings are done at random. I fairly frequently don't get anything for days at a time.
Here's the page they link in the app that explains how rewards work. https://support.fountain.fm/article/59-how-earning-works-on-fountain
Thank you! No wonder I couldn't figure out what's going on. LOL
I guess I'll use @fountain from time to time for fun as a "lottery" to have the chance to win a couple of sats, then, but I'll keep listening to contents via Mopidy and ncmpc or ncmpcpp, which, to me, is the absolute best way of managing audio media in general and podcasts in particular.
That would have been confusing!
I use Fountain some for podcasts, but it doesn't work the best on my slow internet connection. So I'm often using AntennaPod instead. However, I do like to earn everything I can so I can boost my favorite artists back!
As I understand it, the rewards are randomized everyday. You earn at a certain rate per minute for a maximum of some number of minutes per day. The rate could be anywhere from 0 to 10 and the time might be anything from 10 to 60 minutes.
Oh! It seems that today my rate wasn't 0 and so I got 20 sats!
I see, thank you!
I haven't gotten fountain rewards for over a year. I forgot they even are a thing. Two or three years ago the rewards were flowing more freely. I really don't hold it against fountain.
marketing. (But I tapped that ass, of course)
You might be able to get your account reset or something, because you should be still getting some. It's a little higher than normal, but I've gotten 272 sats in the last week.
Yeah. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Hopefully you can get something figured out!
That's a lot of good money as rewards. Nice.
I had one day that my reward rate was 4 sats/minute for 30 minutes, so that made up a good portion of it!
I gave up trying to use Fountain recently. I still have it installed and occasionally check that it still doesn't work, and it doesn't! It stopped paying rewards a long time ago, but even worse, it doesn't even play podcasts any more. Uninstalled, logged out, etc... given up now, but it's a shame. It was great while it worked.
yea, typical Fountain.
It's really just an introductory/tiny little carrot. They've progressively gotten "worse" in terms of the rewards (more days with zero, lower rewards, for shorter time, etc). But still, what they gonna do? Can't just give out corn for no reason
“It’s not like the good ole days” is 1000% true in this case
i seem to get 10 sats a day, most days, sometimes 30 sats. very rarely higher, although if you listen to the sponsored stuff the zap rate is usually higher
I got disappointed by this too
I haven't received any rewards for the past three to four months, even though it shows earnings.
I've noticed this myself. Rewards are pretty limited now compared to what they used to be. I suppose that is to be expected tho.
What does that mean? How can it show earnings while your'e not earning anything?
It struck here. No sats even though i listened for two three hours.
So it doesn't show earnings (or it shows 0).
@fountain should get rid of the rewards. It's not very good.
It's horrible, indeed, but kind of fun. LOL
I like Fountain. I'd like to see them keep up the keep up.