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This is the situation, she lives in Venezuela and she is in her 70's.
Her only income is from a rental property in the USA, but recently she is complaining about all the expenses the property has, as the property tax, the maintenance and once in a blue moon she doesn't get the payment because the apartment is empty.
She need to have some income in order to pay her daily expenses.
What would be the best strategy if she sells the property to get some cash monthly?
If she were your mom, what would you do?
No, my mom only likes cash.
Your mum should take the decisions herself.
lol unless she self custody then no, moms got cabbage hands and will sell at the slightest pump
I think education is such a big factor, i've spoken to boomers and they are so dead set on cash flow, they are obsessed with the idea, they can't get their heads around CAGR, they just don't like the idea of eating into the principle even if that principle can grow in purchasing power
if you want to sell your property at that age, depends on how long you think you'll live and if you want to leave anything behind otherwise just eat into it until you hit zero, or put it in shortd duration paper or money market account and hope inflation doesn't beat you over the head and maybe have some allocation to BTC that you're comfortable with owning
I obviously think BTC is great but if you don't understand it or have the conviction you're going to end up self rugging
trying to manage a rental property from across the world at 70...id guess thatll be more time, energy and money than having bitcoin and selling some off when she needs. also far more liquid ( for better or for worse, think scammers!) for when unforeseen needs arise.
Rent seeking is ultimately incompatible with a hyperbitcoinized world.
Sell the property. Buy sats and live off of them for the rest of her life.
I wouldn't usually say this, but ... and this is not advice i would necessarily give my mom... i think there's a usecase for a reverse mortgage & buy bitcoin strategy.
she keeps the rental income (seems smart to me, i don't know) may also capture some of the btc/usd price movement, depending on when you executed a strategy like that.
It would be great if she bought Bitcoin, but with the age of the lady, if she were my mother, maybe I would leave her alone. Maybe I would try to support her or that her apartment in the United States has been sold or rented by someone who is responsible and she would not get so stressed or worried, but I would not insist because many people at that age do not believe in technology.
It's tricky. If someone doesn't understand Bitcoin it doesn't usually end up working for them. But it would make sense to sell the place, and hold most of the earnings in Bitcoin I would think.
This is a tricky one, because on the one hand, as a bitcoiner i would say fuck yes, on the other hand, your mum isn't a bitcoiner and if she isn't into btc or maybe doesn't want to learn about it etc, then the slightest dip in price could cause her to be very sad, upset, and it could damage your relationship. Her friends would probably think you were a lunatic drug dealer for even suggesting something like that, older generation and all.
You could try a compromise, for example, figure out how much she needs to live comfortably per month, say 1000 USD, sell the house then allocate the equivalent of 5 years of that amount from the sale for her to just live on (i don't know if you would have to move the money to a Venezualan bank etc) and then put the rest in bitcoin and manage it for her.
Then after 5 years of gains, she could start living off that.
or something like that
I was thinking about the same strategy, I need to run some numbers with her.
One of the problems is to estimate future expenses with the hiper inflation in Venezuela and we can not estimate future expenses for an elderly woman.
very true, a health crisis can pop off any time at that age.
that being said, you wouldn't be converting all to Bolívars, right? like you could have the btc stack and the other pension funding stack in dollars just to be converted when needed, once of a few times per month depending on inflation.
the slightest dip in price could cause her to be very sad, upset, and it could damage your relationship.
Think about that bit a lot when people ask for financial advice. (Thankfully bitcoin did its thing after one such advice materialized: #755878)
People should only buy Bitcoin if they want to be part of the peaceful revolution seeking to build an alternative to the fiat debt slavery bankers cartel that owns your government.
Giving advice from a far its easy.. And giving financial advice to family is dangerous. Imagine you sell at 100k and corrects to 70k or 50k. You can wipe out a lot of not your money. Worst than getting a loan to buy btc, is to tell people when to buy.. im mot saying putting savings in btc is a bad idea. But make sure its not your idea..
I would, but not sure if she'd listen. You'd need to do all the hand holding. Selling the property for Bitcoin. Then how to store it, how to use lightning and how to buy the things she needs each week.
She would have to be very open minded. Most 70 year olds are usually set in their ways.
I am trying convince someone not mom though