WW3 time, pick your side.
Pst, all in enemy team will kill self, when my Planet 1 people appear. lols.
So Russia is also just a Slave of Japan. Japan made fake dispute over some islands to make world think it is afriad of Russia. Just another dog in the dindu bid to get India China land.
fail le epik fzail
If you were a real naiton you would have told Japan to STFU instead of allowing WW2 to technikally continue till date. Untermensch ORC. Ukrainians accept their ORC-ishness (as they add some stolen real aryan German children) but you, you motherfucker u don't know ur all orcs, jsut made to fuck. All the top whores of the world are famed in your land and u know that and allow that u slave of japan. Dhaka cancelled. Fuck off. We don/t need ur planes. We don't need rafales either. Who dares fuck with ME? ah ha din't think so.
Russia is all brawns and no brains or balls, bitch, u can't even defeat puny ukraine and continue to argue with Japan? What the fuck? What kinda power is that u rat ass.
Friendly Titans B Hind (me) China some Russians Iran Pakistan North India Plus Racist (White Amerika) Nepal Gorkhaa Go-khaate war ke time, but Go-rakkha Go Cow-keepers and herders. Germany Israel of course. Thailand All germans of any nationality are friends, all isrealis (who are confirmed not skin wearers and fat triangle noses) of any nationality are Heebz, others are fake like khazars benes Texas Cali Mexico El Salvador
Enemy Titans: Japan khazars benes NEW York Ukraine USA South India Spain South America Brazil (Nigger BLM Americants) Saudi Arabia Engfland-spain-hellend-hellISHs Burma Central America
USA has our team also mixed in. It's like a mixed bag. Similarly there are mixed friends and foes in India too. Kashmir Punjab Himachal friends. Uttarkhand UP Nepal friends, bihar bangladesh enemy, real aryan bengal friend, etc. Sout hindia whole hater enemy from maharashtra to sri lanka. Gujjus mixed bag. sindhis mix bag. DNA Test + Blood test to easily reveal who is-real.
Izreal keyword.