honestly, this stuff makes me fucking sick. smug twats saying hahah, look we ripped up the keys because of our incredible journalism ethics
wouldn't the ethical thing to do be donating that bitcoin to a good cause, changing people's lives, doing something?
to have the ability to use money or a resource to bring about change and not using it, IMO, is criminal (basically throwing it in the bin, instead of doing good).
and when they say 'it would color our future coverage of bitcoin' - yeah, it fucking should, wake people up and tell them what it actually is, and you don't have to be biased to do that, report the facts ffs.
i can only afford a very modest dca , it's hard and my income is all over the place, but i stack what i can, as do many, and to see these people piss away the hardest asset ever makes me mad as shit