Hey guys! Could please anyone tell me how to but Bitcoin Lightning Sats direct to my wallet and preferably KYC free? I am new to crypto world and I want to learn about bitcoin lightning. Thanks πŸ™πŸΌ
I have breez wallet , but I don’t know how to buy on it. Is there any buy option? And also can I transfer the whole amount I buy on a different wallet or do I need to leave some in Breez?
Is there any buy option?
I don't remember Breez has integrated buy option in-app
And also can I transfer the whole amount I buy on a different wallet or do I need to leave some in Breez?
AFAIK, default Breez channel has 0% channel reserve and only acts as a tool that simplify channel management (thus commitment fee should already be covered by your own Sats)
In the most optimistic scenario when you have sufficient receiving capacity to receive first, then yes you should be able to send out your Breez balance to another LN wallet or vice versa (minus fee ofc)
If you don't have enough receiving capacity to receive first, then i assume you can't buy via LN and must receive via Onchain
Let me summon the Breez CEO himself to provide assistance for you @roy
14 sats \ 2 replies \ @roy 21 Oct
We have Buy Bitcoin (Receive -> Buy Bitcoin), but it's KYC via MoonPay.
You can transfer the entire amount using Send to BTC Address, but if that's your goal, just use MoonPay on the browser and send it to wherever you want.
Thanks for the info! Just one last question, does MoonPay have big fees? I am looking to buy around 100,000 sats .
Can I transfer all of them?
New to Bitcoin? Try Azteco
@hasherstacker does it have kyc? Or high fees?
I have also recently started using Bitcoin and have bought with the telegram bot from person to person, that is, via P2P, and it is easy and safe.
Speed wallet has an option to buy sats to a third party provider directly in your wallet. Also has some great features to earning more sats. You should give it a try, it is a very simple and straightforward process πŸ™πŸΌ