The only problem is there is not (yet ?) withdraw to Lightning address.
You can always login to the old (now "Classic") site to get that feature:
Nice! I deposit 1000 sats and withdraw 1000 sats.. My balance became -1 sats(because of the withdraw fee).. That's a small bug..
Did they completely drop Liquid and On-chain support in the new UI?? the PoS only shows LN invoices, with no option anywhere to switch.
Also, there is no Withdraw option anymore- except in the classic version?
yeah we'll be upgrading the withdraw page to handle liquid and on-chain addresses soon, as well as paying to other users and LN addresses
Great! I LOVE the new look and also love the utility of coinos for using liquid, LN, and onchain bitcoin. Glad to hear its all coming together!
Ok, there is a Withdraw option under Settings > Dashboard .. LN only
Can merchants receive webhook when the invoice get paid?
You might want to ask that question in the CoinOS Telegram group. The CoinOS dev is active there:
Big fan! Its super easy to start accepting with the custodial solution to test things out and later people can switch to their own instance, if they want to.
Could I use it for my guesthouse or online store?
This new release is missing a few things yet -- on-chain and withdraw using a LIghtning address. But give it a few weeks (?) for the remaining features still missing to be added and and any newly discovered bugs or UX issues to get resolved and then this wallet shoudl work pretty darn well for a merchant -- as a bitcoin on-chain and LN wallet that can also be used for point-of-sale.
In the interim the missing features are still available using the old site ...,
But for an online store, there's no e-commerce (i.e., shop + cart) type of capabilities in (or coming) for CoinOS. There are many other alternatives for that though.
This new release is missing a few things yet -- on-chain and withdraw using a LIghtning address. But give it a few weeks (?) for the remaining features still missing to be added and and any newly discovered bugs or UX issues to get resolved and then this wallet shoudl work pretty darn well for a merchant -- as a bitcoin on-chain and LN wallet that can also be used for point-of-sale.
In the interim the missing features are still available using the old site ...,
But for an online store, there's no e-commerce (i.e., shop + cart) type of capabilities in (or coming) for CoinOS. There are many other alternatives for that though.
Now I can't find LN auth when I click sign in ? And where is darkmode ?
I guess it's unfinished why did they push it now... looks good tho