Over the past decades, the European Union has transformed itself into a gigantic subsidy and redistribution apparatus, at the end of which a gigantic bureaucracy siphons off its unwarranted share of the productive forces of the economy. What the EU declares as the Green Deal is nothing more than artificial GDP paid for with inflation money, a pathetic attempt supported by media apocalyptic narratives to implement permanent interventionism, following the classic Keynesian script.
It was clear to anyone who has studied the economic history of the second half of the 20th century that this 'strategy' had failed when it was launched.
The fact that Germany, of all countries, which is in a phase of de-industrialization, is now throwing billions in subsidies into subsidized companies against the backdrop of the so-called green transformation, is only worth a footnote. This economy is in a dramatic decline and its parasitic subsidy entrepreneurs will do everything they can to take what the subsidy machine still has to offer. Meanwhile, the productivity of the private sector is dying and everything is spiraling downwards.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @IamSINGLE 22h
I think Germany's strength of economy was its dominance in exports. That's I think is over. The ageing population isn't gonna help them either.
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK OP 21h
For them a perfect storm is brewing. And there is 0 btc adoption.
Imagine if school teachers and journalists taught and wrote like this.
Great work Tom. So glad I’ve set up notifications for your posts!
Hahaha thank You
Looking at the graph it looks German economy has been standstill like a statue.
74 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 15 Oct
And that's the pumped-up version by gov overspending. The real economy is in free fall
Yes, and the inflation is not helping it surely. GDP is stable, government is overspending.
Wages are stable and people are suffering.
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @7e6e393a56 21h
Germany, like other European countries, decided to outsource their industries to Chinese labor at a low cost, exposing their intellectual property. See what happened!
But dont forget that the Europeans are on their way to socialism. That will bring them down. The Eurozone is dysfunctional
To understand the decline of German manufacturing and productivity it helps to understand how Chinas has risen as Germany has declined.
China is not the only factor involved here but it is a major contributor.
Peter Hesslers book 'Country Driving' explains the methodology China has adopted to reverse engineer and out compete western manufacturing, brilliantly.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 21h
This had an impact for sure. But the EU is a problem in itself. And the Euro is a disaster
92% of China is one ethnic group, Han Chinese. There are undoubtedly regional tensions but there is also a unity of culture, unless you are one of the 8% minorities... Europe as the EU has embraced diversity inclusion and multiculturalism but this comes at a price. You lose unity of belief and purpose. You lose unity in a tribal sense. The EU seems to have had a great ambition- to prevent more intra European wars, but the tragic consequence of imposing/including so many diverse viewpoints has been that all that is achieved at best is compromise and mediocrity. It is also ironic, as a primary strategy via which Europe gained dominance over Africa, by creating absurdly inherently dysfunctional nation states which are composed of incompatible cultural groups who previously were self governing (divide and rule), has now been self imposed upon Europe in turn creating paralysis of purpose and action. This has made Europe, that imposed its empires upon the globe, now easy prey for China...the one nation it never completely subjugated. Its a mess for Europe. War it seems, is inevitable for the progression of human power structures? Should/could Germany break away as the UK did? If not what could be the solution to this mess? Could The Bitcoin Standard be part of the solution? - erasing the ability to tax citizens via debasement.
While I suspect the climate change issue is not a creation of convenience but rather is a potentially serious threat to human life there certainly will be a degree of truth that efforts to implement government led incentives to address the causes of climate change will frequently be captured by rentseeking opportunists and political opportunists. Where I differ is the root causes of this malfunctioning of our democracies. It is the combination of apathy on the part of citizens and the fine honing of corporate patronage of political parties. The source of the apathy and thus lack of sufficient grassroots democratic participation is complex and hard to exactly explain but it is at least in part a result of he increasing 'diversity' of most liberal western democracies- the lack of a unity of purpose and a result of decades of relative wealth. There is a tiredness about our European and US cultures. We have dominated the planet for centuries, enslaving or at least subjugating almost every other culture on the planet. Now China is rising and is led by a highly focussed politburo who are mostly trained as engineers. They are building a new empire to recreate what they see as the natural order of things where China is the most developed nation on earth, as it was just 500 years ago when Marco Polo saw it. China is reverse engineering the wests mercantile imperial model of the 19th century and has already achieved supremacy in terms of its ability to import commodities and manufacture them into the goods that other nations want and need. The manufacturing giants of the west like Germany have been outdone at their own game. Although Chinas model does not yet (and might never?) achieve the level of creativity in science and thought that the west has achieved, it might not need to. It might be enough to capture the mechanisms of global control that are currently held by Europe and USA. China might even be better suited to confront and address such real problems as climate change- the west is too compromised, tired, captured by banks and other parasitic rentseeking capital/corporates. Chinas politics while not democratic in a western sense are also not captured by corporate sponsors as the wests are now. The west has lost the ability to have a united and focused purpose. Its citizens are too consumed with what they demand from their government or simply cynicism and lack of any trust in their governments which is more or less justified due to the corporate capture. It is not yet certain that the west will fall and China will rule, but that is the current trajectory and you cannot simplistically blame the government because ultimately we are all the government. Chinas CCP knows it is not a communist government. It knows if it does not deliver improvements it faces a real chance of being removed by popular uprising. The wests 'governments' are effectively the corporate sponsors- the crony capitalists, who control the banking and issuance of capital via fiat and they cannot be so easily removed because they hide behind their paid proxies who call themselves your elected representatives.
stagnation all across the EU with most companies spending most of their time figuring out how they can get more EU subsidies
It seems that everything is paralyzed waiting for something. I hope this paralysis ends soon because otherwise it will drag down the entire European economy.