It’s hard for bitcoin businesses and founders to stand out Especially when their images look so similar.

Am I against Dall-E or AI images? Not entirely.
They add colour and can be quite arresting. It’s amazing that we can get art like this at the click of a button.
But I see 50%+ of those who post about bitcoin using Dall-E images. All so similar!
If you do this, you end up as noise not signal. They make your posts look like a cheap Crypto News website.
Readers are hypersensitive to image quality. It’s what determines whether they give your ideas the time of day or not.

Ideas to use instead of instant GPT images:
  1. Trust your words. Craft a hook that draws readers in rather than an image.
  2. Show your face. Selfies are divisive, but readers like to see who is offering the thought. We connect with people.
  3. Use image libraries. Search sites like Pexels or Unsplash for great photos.
  4. Spend more time prompting. Ensure your image looks unique. This can take some time.

What’s your opinion on AI art? Definitive yay, or hell-to-the-nay?
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Great post! Love the practical tips and examples of the AI art all looking the same. Did AI come up with the practical tips? Haha!
Show your face is so true! Granted, it’s ok if ppl want to stay @anon. But for a lot of my writer friends I try to teach them that many of the people who buy their books or read their articles only do so because they like the author or like their “brand.”
If they like the author for who they are enough, they may even repost an article without even reading it, or buy their book with no intention to open it.
How important was your AI cover then? Haha! @siggy47 what say you?
Yes, it's complicated when authors want to remain anon, but it's possible to create a persona or avatar.
And no, I don't use AI for any part of my writing process. It can be useful for idea generation I guess, but I find the experience of talking to a chatbot makes me truly miserable.
Right the whole fun of writing is to write yourself anyways!
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 15 Oct
I agree about bitcoin art, but I'm not sure if AI caused it or just made it worse. It all looks the same to me, and I don't particularly like the look.
I am suspicious of AI in general, so I never use it. I do question whether I'm just being an old luddite, though. I see bitcoin as having the opportunity to become the currency of AI, as machines talk to and pay each other.
I can't embrace your "show your face" point, though I understand it. Like it or not, privacy is critical as surveillance technology only improves.
Yes I absolutely imagine artificial life using Bitcoin.
Could you imagine them using fiat? 🤣🤣
I am Rebel Nomad! ;-)