English language defines normality as the situation in which things are normal, conforming to a standard, typical. Statistically the definition is more precise, but ultimately each one of us internalizes a sort of definition of what normality is. For instance, being a bitcoiner is not normal, it does not fit the normality test at least.
Now, I know what my normality is and what I consider not normal. I don't use social media, even if I'm in my early twenties. I like reading, whereas my average normal peer likes to hang out on whatever social media. I refuse to deal with the digital shitshows like Tinder, where love is treated like a shopping session at the mall.
When I go out with a girl, my lack of normality in this regards usually creates some issues.
  • "Oh you don't have Instagram, how can I send you stuff I find funny?"
  • "how are you supposed to meet new people without tinder?"
People are scared when they find out that you're not average. And this is fine, but it's not the world I would like to live in. This is a crazy rant, I know diversity is the real treasure so not anyone can be like us.
But please, let the world understand our normality.
how does it feel when people stumble over these facts about you that are less than normal?
Usually they ask
Why do you like to make things so complicated?
And I feel...it depends on who asks. For istance, I usually felt like they were missing out the most by keeping their normie lifestyle. Lately I started feeling a bit, how can I say, isolated. Particularly once the last date considered my not having social media as a "red flag".
hmm I can empathize with that. The date that said this made it easier for you to determine that your values are very different. I am hearing sentiments changing on this too, particularly from women, that if they live their life so much online, they want a balance in a partner, someone who is removed from it entirely.
You may be right, female universe is very far from where I'm sitting right now. You may be right.
LOL she must believe that you have a secret account that you don't want to share with her. In my experience most people don't believe that I don't have an account on their normie apps and think that I must be hiding something or avoiding to share it for shady reasons causing suspicion. I do have accounts on many free social networks tho.
I believe that many people are led into social networks by pure fashion and social pressure.
They are, yes. But the effect of that is also crushing us that don't have social media. This makes me a bit hopeless.
This is so true. The younger generation cant live without their phone and all the apps that come with it.
Hell that's very true. I dream a life without a phone but nowadays is so complicated to go through life without a soyware phone on your pocket. I say spyware because even a deggogled phone makes things a lot more complicated.
A phone can simplify and make life difficult. Just the way it is.
Yep, that's the nature of tools. Issues rise if a tool turns into a friend.
I struggle with this and it is also what I love about myself. I am proud to be a trailblazer. And sometimes I feel so lonely.