Someone told me long ago, "A break is a break up, like it or not."
I'm thinking to take a break from SN but my previous experiences after the break were always worse. I could never feel the same passion or love for the things from which I took a break. Maybe after the work, I don't feel the same love for SN as it's right now. But, I'm also quite undecided whether it's time to take a break from SN.
I'm right now quite like the Hamlet of Shakespeare hanging between to be or not to be.
I don't know if I really want to take a break. There's no reason except I think I lack a little motivation.
My journey on SN has been quite interesting so far. I know, you all can sense by seeing me there up on the leaderboard. The fact you might not know is that I'm usually half a day either reading good posts or mulling my head through comments. That's weird but I've got nothing else to do these days. Half of my daily life is spent on SN. When you do so much with something, you create a bond of love which you don't wanna break.
But as I said above, I don't belive in a break. A break for me is like a break up. If I take a break from SN, I'm afraid I won't return the same I'm now. It may be the bond of love is broken or worse, I never return. So, I'm asking you guys tell me...Should I take a break from SN?
Or more generally, I wanna explore this topic, when is time to take a break from a relationship (for me SN)?
1286 sats \ 2 replies \ @grayruby 12 Oct
Why don’t you test it with a mini break? Take 2 or 3 days off. Don’t forget to make your baseball picks first though because you are currently winning the Playoff pick ‘em challenge.
The thing is that I can't stay away. I was shattered yesterday, though.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 12 Oct
1265 sats \ 10 replies \ @k00b 12 Oct
When this question comes up that's probably a sign that it's time. If you do take a break, we'll be here when you get back.
If you're anything like davidw or elvismercury, you might realize you don't want the fixation at all - and that's okay too.
Thanks 🙏 I think I'm not definitely like them. When I'm attached to something emotionally, I can't take a break from it. Also, I'm just a little afraid to take a break because taking breaks didn't fare well for me. I had to take a big break from teaching in Pandemic, when I joined back, I found that I didn't feel the same love and passion fot teaching as I used to. Ultimately, I discarded teaching.
If you're thinking, I'm going to give up on SN permanently, that's never gonna happen. I love SN and I've created so much bonding with so many here, I can't imagine missing everything. Outside of SN world, I'm a guy who's very limited. I've a few just 2 or 3 friends, my family and me. So, SN fills my huge huge void. The break I meant only for break not the break up.
151 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 12 Oct
132 sats \ 4 replies \ @anon 12 Oct
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Hell no!! Tell me this isn't written there.
Outage? What the f**k are you talking about? What did you hear?
86 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 12 Oct
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2166 sats \ 3 replies \ @siggy47 12 Oct
Burnout is inevitable. It sounds like you are like me, an all or nothing person. I tend to jump into things and then gradually lose interest. Bitcoin and SN have been an exception. Still, I have needed a break frequently during the past 2 1/2 years. Now I have reached the point where it has just become part of my day. I don't spend nearly as much time here as I used to, but I have never lost interest completely. If you're worried that you will leave for good if you shut down for a few days, just check in a few times a day. The site does have all these dopamine traps like the leader board, cowboy hat, etc. Maybe @ek's zen mode will be better for all of us.
Burnout is the word, I should've used. Thanks for adding it. I'm actually feeling a burnout. TBH, I'm feeling under pressure right now.
Yes, I can be on a break with SN as well. I forgot, I did a long holiday trip in June and at that time I was running the Cricket Pool but managed it. I think I need a trip like that again.
You're right about the dopamine traps. I believe they won't let me break away.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 12 Oct
It would be a shame to lose you, but SN should be clearly adding value to your life for you to stick around. A lack of motivation is an indicator that it isn't doing that.
It seems like you have passion for your upcoming bike trip. Maybe focus on that and share what you want with us here. I'm sure we'll be quite interested in it.
Thanks for your kind words.
Well I did have a break from SN for about a year and now I’m back and loving it.
So if you think you do then just have a week off see how you feel SN isn’t going anywhere
That's not something hidden. I know SN is here for forever. The real question is, can I stay away from it after being constantly here for the last 6 months.
Yes but if you’re thinking you need one just have one . Maybe just have a day off? See how that goes then get back in or go another day 🤷🏼
This makes sense. Thanks.
No worries good luck and see you when you get back
No delete in … ?
lmao He still didn't get it.
I think only you can answer that question. Because only you knows how much time is spent trying to come up with valuable content and how much time is wasted trying to game the algorithm (refreshing the recent tab to catch valuable content first, etc) to end up at the top of the leaderboard. Half a day of time doesn't justify the 10k (?) sats you can hoard that way, unless 300k sats matches a half or full-time salary in India? You should know best. I usually prefer visiting the page in the morning here, because that's when i have lots of notifications to respond to. Daytime use of SN is much less useful for me.
trying to game the algorithm (refreshing the recent tab to catch valuable content first, etc)
First of all, I don't believe this is gaming the algo. It's there for everyone as it's not hidden.
Secondly, 10k sats a day? It's certainly not the amount you get when you're on rank 1. It's also nowhere close to salaries for in India.
Now, I didn't say that I spend half of day's time refreshing for valuable content. I said reading valuable content. Sometimes, I even read very old posts. I'm generally more on top than recent. Yes, I've subscribed to my favourite territories and stackers and when I see a notification, I zap them. Sometimes, I'm lucky to zap then early. I certainly don't forget to zap all the top 20 to 30 posts daily.
Gaming is maybe not the right word. Was mostly trying to give you some triggers for possible introspection from your side so that you can figure out if you want to take a break or not.
I'd be happy to see you take that bike trip by the way... would be something amazing to report on, and you might be able to use it as a ways to spread Satoshi's word ;)
when I see a notification, I zap them
For me, the temptation to zap them before I actually figured out what they wrote is worth is sometimes quite big... I try not to (but often fail), because otherwise, it'll just make the same people end up on the front page... but that's not necessarily what the algorithm rewards.
Honestly, when you become a father, you will naturally have to cut back on your SN time. Just let nature take its course
Honestly, I was waiting this comment. Lol How serious everyone got!!!
The time is when I'll be father.
Not everyone has as sharp a memory as sensei...
The date is set for the last week but you know can be a little here and there.
I'm feeling a little nervously happy. Did you feel the same for the first one?
Yes, nervously happy. I can still remember the moments when my children were born. Pure bliss. Nothing beats it.
Cherish it because the tireless tedious act of parenting will make your life satisfaction nosedive from there hahaha
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 12 Oct
I have always followed your posts and they are really good. It would be a shame if you left and came back, but if you feel that you should take that time for yourself to rest, you should do it. Sometimes we put things aside without listening to ourselves.
Thank you so much. I think I've taken it a bit seriously. May be I just need a Day's break.
Take a break when you go to sleep
You guys gonna blast me. I'm an owl only sleep at daytime.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 12 Oct
Take a short break (a couple of days) just to understand how much you will miss SN. Then turn back with fresh energy. 😉
When I don’t have internet access.
We all need to unplug sometimes. It doesn't matter if it's social media or another digital platform. There's so much more to life than staring at screens. And remember, it's okay to take a break without going completely off the grid.
Is it time? Will you be able to function normally without thinking about it?
Yeah I think you should.