say what you will about him, but he truly gets it and has stepped out of line with most billionaires
When was this published? Needs a date IMO
I noticed the same thing. In an attempt to make blogs evergreen (and get shared more frequently), a lot of people no longer put dates on their blogs.
FML hope it's not a trend. It's OK to omit the date for a timeless piece of work such as a scientific paper where the framework and boundaries are rigorously defined. But for a casual blog post like this it's a bad idea. Just look at a statement like "a network that is worth $420 billion as of today". That is now basically meaningless without a date.
"But publication dates often provide important context!" Horsepuckey. You can, and should, make the strategic decision that you'll primarily write things which retain their value.
I guess I'll be donating to internet archive then :P
I couldn't disagree with this more. The date doesn't just "often" provide important context, it always provides crucial context.
If the post truly has lasting value, putting a date on it isn't gonna change that. Pretending that leaving the date off gives it more lasting value just means you don't have confidence in what you wrote.
Leaving the date off a post so it "gets more shares" is just a scumbag move. End of story.
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Good article but I prefer the "cry harder" approach.