Homo sapiens is a social animal, we organize in groups, tribes, societies. We deal with hundreds or thousands of people thoughout our lifetime, most of them come and go, some of them stay longer.
If you're lucky enough, you find someone who's willing to stay with you for a lifetime.
If you're more than lucky, you are able to love.
If you are terribly lucky, you're loved by someone.
That's how life is supposed to work, innit?
If some of these conditions are not realized, issues arise.
I guess that some humans out there are able to tell themselves that love is not relevant, that feelings are a trap and being cold as ice is the only solution to human misery. I can understand that, but that's not of any use nor help.
How is someone supposed to deal with loneliness then? Have you ever felt that way? If so, how have you overcome the situation?
Is lack of love the highway to loneliness? Is the lack of someone loving you the shortest path to loneliness?
These are questions I'm trying to address as of now.
I've no answers, only a huge bag of questions to throw out there, to throw to people who have felt at least once loved. I have, as far as I remember. And I considered it a commodity, something easily replaceable.
Now things have changed and it turned out that love is not a commodity - what a discovery!
So then, when loneliness floods your life, what do you do to overcome it?