I don’t know who Nick Sortor is but this is a sad and cringy video in my opinion. I was surprised and a little sad to even seem Trump in there… Sorber says former president Trump pays his tab but it would be way more accurate to say “Trump stands by and watches a lightning transaction take place.”
The press level for pubkey on a major MSM station is really cool to think about though. Even though this appears to be more lazy pandering from the trump campaign it is still cool to see bitcoin spaces being advertised to massive crowds.
The whole thing really disgusted me. BUT, I had a weird experience last night which I'll probably include in a longer post soon. It has me thinking it might have done some good. I was with a bunch of very maga relatives. They know my "weird" libertarian political leanings, so we never let politics get in the way of family love. Anyway, there are maga hats everywhere. They know of my "weird" bitcoin obsession too. The first thing they say is Trump Bought Burgers In A Bitcoin Bar! That led to a general discussion about bitcoin. I have semi orange pilled a few of them over the years, but nothing beyond NGU. Last night they were definitely more curious.
I don't really understand the disgust. If there is a candidate who is crypto friendly, that's got to be a good thing compared to Biden who used the SEC to try to slam shut (successfully in many cases) many crypto based enterprises and exchanges.
I would agree, but I can't see it in an either or, binary way. I know it's not rational, but I don't have a dog in the fight. I loathe both sides about equally.
Well, I think not seeing in binary isn't always a bad thing. I totally get the "betrayal" aspects that politics has engendered. On the other hand, I think most developments in the country for both good and bad tend to be a step-wise progression. I don't know that if someone stepped into office who held the supreme ideal of what is right for the country on all levels would be tolerated for five seconds. For one thing, "freedom" is abstract and means many things to many people, but freedom in a Biblical sense is another thing. Is what is right for the country what God wants, or is it about what groups of people want? These are central issues. COVID began to highlight these matters. My point then is where do we draw the line at disease? Physical sickness? Spiritual? If the second one is the case, whole lotta people best not ever leave their homes...
Physical is definitely a red flag
But the spiritual shows up long before.
Plus his mining excise tax that he paused. 30 percent
There is no bitcoin friendliness happening in this video. Trump is being told what to do and where to do it to get votes from wherever he can. Bitcoin being used in this manner is where the disgust comes from. For fucks sakes we are talking about an economic freedom tool available to anyone. Something that for the first time in human history can provide a secure financial foundation for ANYONE despite their age, race, location, religion. Something that provides a true check and balance to those that would trap other human beings in an infinite rat race to exploit their time and energy. Their fucking time man! The most valuable thing that everyone is born with.
Yet what do we see here? Trump dumbly following the cues he’s given pandering to people who want to spread that message. It’s so lazy and a massive disservice to humanity itself. All for votes to prop up the very system that is robbing so many around the entire planet. Again, there’s of course a silver lining, but it should be obvious why some people here get ultimate cringe when watching this.
You see it in terms of votes, but I see it in terms of values he is saying he represents.
Bitcoin might be a freedom tool, but it has not produced human freedom on its own. It's made some people quite rich, though. In that regard, many crypto people ought to recognize themselves in Trump. What responsibility do those who have become rich off of Bitcoin have to the rest of humanity? At least Trump is willing to undergo hell to try to do something about the system, whether you agree with his actions or not. That's worth something.
You really believe bitcoin has done nothing for humanity except for making a select few rich in fiat terms?
I didn't say what I thought was a verdict on bitcoin itself. I only noted that humanity is not freer because of it on the whole and that some are VERY RICH having leveraged it in various ways. Most of the people who are most benefiting from bitcoin are able to be fairly secure in the fiat world all ready. The barriers to entry are high, and the need to buy "actual things with bitcoin" is not readily available. Instead, it is used more to dodge taxes, trade weapons, and hedge against inflation.
Right. There is an obvious silver lining here. Bitcoin proliferates, as always. That’s what’s so cool about bitcoin! The core ideas and consensus do not change. The answers are always there for people to find if they’re willing to look and as cringy as this video was at least some fraction of new people will think a bit for themselves and see what bitcoin is and that it simply works. Even if only a single person saw this video and started asking the right questions, reading the right material, actually using bitcoin…. That’s permanent and that’s a big deal.
That’s how I feel about it. I don’t care if it’s just a publicity stunt by Trump or whether he actually did anything. The whole incident made people see you can buy beer with bitcoin. To me that is a win whether Kamala did it or Trump did it
To me that is a win whether Kamala did it or Trump did it
Or anyone! I am shocked and excited that Pubkey was on Fox News!
The whole thing was very cringe
Finally someone agrees with me, at no time did Trump pay anything, it is a news that seeks to create sensationalism among bitcoiners, and very importantly bitcoiners who vote for him in the elections
They need bitcoin...bitcoin doesn't care. Thankfully