The Constitution isn’t controversial. Hating it is

"Our biggest problems aren't with the Constitution. They come when government strays from the document's meaning."
Contrary to the critics, the worst injustices in our nation’s history have come when the government has strayed from the Constitution’s original meaning. Consider Plessy v. Ferguson, Korematsu v. United States and Buck v. Bell. Each case is a blight in our nation’s legal history, and each resulted because the Supreme Court deviated from the Constitution’s text.
The critics are right — the Constitution is counter-majoritarian; it limits democracy even when a majority tries to sterilize people they’ve deemed feeble.
After a long time, I'm seeing some very good take on government by MSM. Take a look and enlighten me about how you view this opinion about the injustices made possible by the constitution limiting democracy.
Democracy isn't necessarily a good. Sparta and Athens figured that out. It limits democracy because crowds of people can be quite wrong-headed. The best that can be done, like statistics, is a representative sample. That's why the Constitution defines a Republic.
Sparta was not a democracy
Never said it was, but for the sake of being pedantic:
Sparta had what ancient Greek commentators called a 'mixed' constitution, which blended kingship, oligarchy, and democracy.
I was talking about the Peloponnese war that broke out between them.
The problem has never been the Constitution but those who have taken it for their own benefit, making it an instrument of evil and their way of exercising power.
I do not hate the con_stitution. I just wipe my ass with that useless paper.
Keep wiping until every word of con_stitution becomes completely shitty. By the way the opinion here in the article somehow resembles to what you're sayin'.
Pacific legal foundation is not MSM. Neither is Fox News