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What I mean is what people from history are you not supposed to criticize? Every person has flaws but some figures seem to be above criticism in polite society.
Let's not discuss religious dieties like Jesus or Mohammed.
Here's my list
  • Lincoln
  • Churchill
  • Dr King
Who else?
This was inspired by Tom Woods who is the first person I heard use the phrase "Treat like a human and not a dieity". I like that way of putting it. Everyone has flaws and when we can't accept the bad with the good that's a sign we are lionizing someone and not being objective.
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Your examples are good ones. This is a trend I notice more with classes of workers, than with individuals:
Government school teachers Nurses Unions
Yeah, same here. Depending on the demo police and military as well
I had the same thought. That caveat probably applies to everything, but I was thinking of “mainstream” discourse.
The times have certainly changed, when cops and soldiers are open to criticism.
Hitler and Stalin are often depicted in a dehumanizing manner. Similarly marginalized leaders or enslaved individuals sometimes have their humanity overlooked in historical narratives.
I was referring to the other direction but yeah
My mind went in this direction, too.
  • Einstein
  • Feynman
  • JFK
I think I should have been more clear in my post. I bet you get it but many seem to not get what I'm saying. Maybe people just don't read.
Yeah, those are great.
When I was in Taiwan, that person would have been Chiang Kai-shek. Even though he wasnt a good person, people in Taiwan seem to be afraid to express their opinion. They just seemed to wash away the history and accept his as their leader.
I just want to put something into context, countries like Cuba, North Korea, are countries where from childhood the cult of personality is taught, no matter how they have been or what they have done. They are like Gods, some in life, I don't think I have to say names, many already know.
Same happen in the rest of the "western countries"... only that they were fooled with another type of propaganda. It's all described in this amazing book, "Propaganda" by Ed. Bernays Also is described in this amazing interview by Ed. Griffin with Iuri Bezmenov. https://old.bitchute.com/video/0d15tewG3Rkw/
In the US we have the same thing. I suspect it is pretty much the case in every country. Honest Abe, George Washington, Dr. King are examples in the US.
George Floyd? lol
He is a career criminal and felon
Very little material
Floyd is a good example but isn't as universally off limits as people like Churchhill.
The issue with people like Floyd is that they become the story when the true story is how the state police forces abuse their power. Then the reactionary response is the attack the victim. Regardless of criminal record if you or I did what was done to Floyd we would be in prison and rightfully so. Figures like Floyd become tools to be used by existing power structures to manipulate and divide people.
I recall watching this unfold in my circles. Was pretty discouraging.
Here they are
Fidel Castro
Jose Marti
Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Abel Santamaria
Frank Pais
I think napoleon is a good one. Ya he had his rise and lived like an emperor but at the end he was banished from his home and exiled
Napoleon is not a good example to me. At least not in the US. He is not off limits to criticism.
Oh you wanted someone from the Us! What about Tesla he was an American who created things that are even advanced for our day an age and since he was an immigrant he was treated like he was dumb or inferior especially by Edison who he worked for.
I wasn't limiting it to the US but in the US Napoleon isn't lionized. I don't think Tesla is either.
A better question might be "are ANY historical figures treated like humans?"
Plenty are. Most are IMO.
I am not sure when Queen Elizabeth II becomes a historical figure, but any criticism of her is strictly taboo in the UK.
I don't know about this as an American but I find that hard to believe honestly. I've heard many mock her. But they may be doing so at a cost.
Keanu Reeves
There seems to be a backlash to Churchill today
Its not new but if we want to learn from history we must stop lionizing everyone. That's not to say everyone should be held to a standard of perfection. No one is perfect. People make mistakes. But that's the point. If their decisions are above questioning they are not being treated like a fallible human.
I agree with you about Dr king
Nelson Mandela
That's a good one.
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, all the other Czars, Kaisers, etc
It would depend on the culture you are talking about. I would disagree on all of these. There are many that are critical of all of these figures.