Interesting video from Kim Iversen about this election season's censorship campaign. There seem to be a lot of different attack vectors this time, including whatever the hell is going on with Tenet Media and right-wing claims of "antisemitism".
Kim shares a little bit of personal experience dealing with the kind of offers that are now getting the Tenet people in trouble. You have to be careful who you're taking money from. If it seems too good to be true, just assume it's a fed and proceed accordingly.
I really think we need to start getting more content backed up to nostr, so people can still find it on Flare or
this territory is moderated
I have tried Nostr half-heartedly a few times because I’m not sure where the traffic is. I feel like I’m posting to a hole in a tree.
What are the high-impact clients?
I use Primal for the X/Twitter kind of content.
It's more about who you follow than which client you use. It's not as good as SN for actually having people respond to you, which is why I mostly just cross-post from SN and then reply to the people I follow.
It's more about who you follow than which client you use
Didn't you want to say who follows us? It's also important to use hashtags when you don't have many people following you.
I might also be bad at using nostr.
I will not cry a river for these "content creators" they are just out there to squeeze the system. Yes, I like Lauren Chen but it does not mean that she is not a part of the problem in this whole scheme of things.
Fair enough. I find it interesting who the regime is targeting for unpersoning this cycle and I'm expecting more to come out wrt the Tenet Media situation.
Seems like a lot of people are getting demonetized. I didnt realize how big of a thing that was until the other day. I guess channels lose a lot of money when that happens. Money and views.
It's come in waves that always seem to crest during presidential campaigns.