"Disadvantage: Because the N-of-N signature is given to all participants, it might be leaked into the public and consequentially anybody can spend this transaction after the timelock, to commit the balance.*** On the other hand, removing the timelocks means that if one of the participants goes missing, all funds are locked forever.****"
"***This is quite a bad flaw of this scheme because it means that all the participants must be trustworthy - you can't use this in trustless environments. I appreciate any ways on how to implement non-malleable refund transactions with single (non-aggregated) signatures!"
Then why would any sane person ever use it? I mean I kinda get that he's looking for feedback and is trying to improve upon an idea he has and I'm just not that guy to help him, but also obviously in its current form its unusable.
"Not that there's anything wrong with LN for that matter, I'm just concerned about the security reprocussions of
not broadcasting intermediate transactions,
I know that you know that I know that you know that all you have to do is watch for if the other party has broadcasted their transaction state, there's a nice huge actually buffer (which you can manually set should you wish) for how long you can wait or take your time to drive or walk to the power company to pay your bill to get your electric service turned back on so you can turn on your computer and submit your transaction state as well.
and its enabling of crime."
Spits out cereal I'm sorry WHAT. Is this referring to the concept of people having their Bitcoin stolen from submitting older transaction history receipts in lighting as previously mentioned, or is this a jab at the idea that any blind spot on the eye or Sauron is a societal harm? I WANT the enablement of crime. The crime of criticizing your government, the crime of drinking alcohol, the crime of protesting. Not to make investigations impossible, but I want a real physical cost to investigations so that the scope of how much information can be investigated within reasonable cost limitations, enables people to be free everywhere.
Sorry I wrote a lot more on the nontechnical part that was only part of a sentence than I did the rest of it, but this part is very important to me.
Is this referring to the concept of people having their Bitcoin stolen from submitting older transaction history receipts in lighting as previously mentioned, or is this a jab at the idea that any blind spot on the eye or Sauron is a societal harm?
Yeah, I think he refers to onion routing and how it's a bad thing that your transactions in such routing can't be monitored. Those people are beyond saving, they still can't understand that the definition of the crime has shifted so many times nowadays that the word lost all it's meaning. You want to donate to Canadian truckers without government blocking your bank account? Oi mate are you doing a lit' crime over here?