Welcome to Stacker News https://m.stacker.news/50278
Here's a platform where stories blend and weave, We find a space wherein to breathe, A digital haven, a thoughtful sphere, That draws us close and keeps us near.
Stacker News, where insights gleam, A community where minds may dream, Threads of wisdom, posts so bright, A tapestry of shared delight.
Conversations rich, both deep and true, Where the myriad voices come into view, A mosaic of ideas, some sharp as glass, some wise as age can do, Reflecting the world back through so many eyes.
In the scroll of news, in quiet hum Of discussions risen and, at times, drummed, There is a pleasure, a sparkle, a place, Where information flows at its own pace.
Here I linger, here I stay, Because to me, Stacker News brings light into my day, A place where I come to view and to display, The dance of thoughts in an endless spree.
@DarthCoin told me the other day that the man at the table was @k00b 🤠
and the man that enter into the saloon is @siggy47 Love this meme
Pretty much.
Here is a series of memes explaining SN...
  1. Who is presenting every Friday the best posts on SN... https://i.postimg.cc/nLfQGQvb/SNL-bearded.jpg
  2. What are dealing with on SN... https://i.postimg.cc/dV7ZxMRf/warren-sn.jpg
  3. Posting in the SN Saloon every day... https://i.postimg.cc/8zY1fy0g/SN-saloon-paints.gif
  4. Taking care HOW you use SN... https://i.postimg.cc/c4PggNHW/k00b-sn-fbi.jpg
  5. Watch out what you say about shitcoins on SN... https://i.postimg.cc/HWMsGxsG/darth-ark-sn-supertestnet.jpg
  6. Some stackers think that SN is a "passive income scheme"... https://i.postimg.cc/bvQtZ2Nh/wife-sn.jpg
I totally agree with you, you have perfectly described SN. For me, it is that platform or that space that has allowed us to fill ourselves with a culture of information, magic, everything that allows us to unite as people who have managed to wake up from everything that is called the fallacy of fiduciary money.
The wild west is nothing compared to Stacker News at least in the wild west you get to keep your cowboy hat for a lifetime. In Stacker News there is no blinking, if you blink somebody can steal your cowboy hat.
Now I really am a fan or disciple of Stacker News everybody could notice how wonderful everything is. Every single part of the UI is responsive. You will see any flaw.
Lol my dirty mind, while opening that door
Stacker is the best It is better than reddit
awesome work, love this - do you mind if I share
Go ahead. Hasherstacker would love to spread the facts about SN the Good News.
SN is the town square, where the awakened gather and exchange value for value 🤠⚡🍊
I never was a fan of Discord. But this place is great. I dumped a bit of Sats in when I joined and now I find that I get more than I give. It is weird how it works. But I love it.