Here we see the Ministry of Truth or Ministry of Propaganda at work: with taxpayer-funded resources, or even with the money printer, the European Union is penetrating deep into the communication spaces of citizens in its perverse infiltration of our civil liberties.
This element here is still quite recent: borrowed from the former communist regimes, the first denunciation networks are now being created with the aim of combating disinformation. They are certainly defending their 'democracy'!
It's simply hair-raising this civilizational decline in Europe.
this territory is moderated
What do you think? Do people take these issues as normal or they just not willing to accept such measures? But they have to out of their devotion to their nation.
I think most of the people are living under the hedge. They think whatever shit governmet comes up with will protect them.
I think it is a sensible approach to look at the recent history of the 20th century and how dictatorships and socialist dictatorships ended. until the last day, it seemed to us outsiders that these systems like the Soviet Union could not collapse and then everything happens very quickly. I believe that we are at the beginning of this process and that the overwhelming majority, especially in the wealthy Western countries, still has blind faith in the state and its institutions. So patience
68 sats \ 1 reply \ @wingalt 1 Sep
The media propaganda is so strong that most people don't have any idea of what is going on behind the scenes (i.e, Brussels and Davos). When you live in socialism with information filtered at the source because language barriers, people live in a bubble and believe what they are told, especially because one way or another they trapped by the state and depend on it (welfare or pension later on)
Exactly. Thank You for putting Brussels and Davos in the same context
157 sats \ 0 replies \ @mf 31 Aug
Socialism doing socialism. It was shit, it's still shit and will always be shit.
Until it's erradicated from the culture, that virus will always be contaminating what could be good.
68 sats \ 1 reply \ @BTCLNAT 31 Aug
This is what a popular saying or proverb says that has been around for a long time. Watching each other and reporting it to the authorities is not at all new nor an invention of socialism or communism (which never really existed). I am not saying that this system is good, only that this system did not make any invention, it only modified what existed. Because although espionage has always existed, it was the Japanese fascists who introduced the surveillance mechanism within the community.
The supposed democratic systems are doing nothing more than using a proven tool for their purposes. It is not that they are interested in citizens, what they are interested in is that some citizens watch other citizens and thus, without paying a cent, they obtain the necessary data from those they consider their enemies.
The old philosophy, DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Divided societies are more vulnerable, manageable and enslavable.
Democracy does not exist, it is another utopian idea that they want to deceive people with. Democracy means power or government of the people. As long as power is CENTRALIZED, there is no democracy, there is no consensus.
Just a quick positive message: Considering things such as 1) in Germany Goebbels has been unable to monopolize radio waves during the second World War for the purpose of propaganda, 2) in France the failure of the original plan to cut the Internet connection of users with the Hadopi law, 3) in general the failure to forbid people using torrents to share data or 4) the failure to forbid people using Bitcoin, I think this Observatory will fail. In general Nation-States have not been good at disabling communications using a physical medium which can't be really stopped in practice. But granted, Europe is becoming quite orwelian as I see it from the outside and it doesn't look good in the short/medium term.
EU is a bunch 7 year old kids trying to act like an adult. Their guide is the Communist Manifesto by replacing us with immigrants from a nearby continent. We cannot stop them by force since they have lap dogs with guns(contractors/mercenaries). All we can do is outsmart them by adhering and cohering to the principles of Satoshi Nakamoto.
62 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 31 Aug
all correct. only please don't take these degenerates for stupid children. these are partly very intelligent adults who follow a perverted ideology
A small number of the, being intelligent
That's not good how could they do that
I wonder how this started. It seemed like EU went from freedom to fascism in just a couple of generations.
But i think a big part of it is that people dont see the changes or dont care?
just as we saw the takeover of the political and media sector by the neocons in the United States in 2001 through certain events, we have seen the parallel rise of the socialists in Europe. all institutions and the media are permeated by a troupe of people who are all ideologically aligned. these people believe in total power and control
We don’t have an equivalent Ministry but my country implemented a Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act several years ago
We need a general strike and stop paying taxes to these monsters
What did they call this group? In russia it was the anastazi? Or something similar?
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
... can't make this shit up
Boosting Europe by building, from earth to space, a healthy society, a competitive industry and a digital economy.
In other words: us as hard as possible
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @jgbtc 31 Aug
They include health because that's how they they justify doing whatever they want. As long as it's a health issue the state thinks it can be as authoritarian as it wants to be. Always "for your safety" of course.