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In the early days of SN I logged in with Lightning for the first time and never checked what to do if my session would someday invalidate. That day has come and I'm unable to login with some sats. I also forgot with which wallet I logged in.
@koob My old account is @duvel. Can you see if you can help me. I haven't put anything in my bio, so that doesn't make it easier.
this territory is moderated
I think you mean: @k00b
You have the wrong nym
Your login is how we verify that you are who you say you are. Do you use Alby? Given that account is kind of young, you might be able to recover an old alby lightning authe following instructions here: https://guides.getalby.com/user-guide/v/alby-account-and-browser-extension/alby-browser-extension/faqs-alby-extension/migrate-from-old-lndhub-setup
Exactly :) Let us know if you need any help!
If you used the Alby Extension, send us a message to support@getalby.com and we will help.
I don't know how to help you but you remind me that when I started my journey in Bitcoin I lost satochis that I earned playing in a wallet because I forgot my password.