Hey everyone my name is Nico Moran, I created Simply Bitcoin in 2020. I love making Bitcoin content and have some how manage to turn this hobby into a small media company.
this territory is moderated
What's your current hype level with Nostr? Gotta imagine it's risen with the recent censorship you've been grappling with on YouTube
Didn't really see the urgency of it until the YT ban but now it's crystal clear.
Been posting like a madmen, it's great for text but video stuff is a bit more complicated but we are working on something.
Stay tuned!
Any additional information from youtube? Did they provide a reason for the ban?
Not really..
YT support sent me a really nice email, appreciate them for that but didn't get any additional info on the ban.
We are going to create additional content exclusively on X / Rumble / Nostr that is more edgy and pivot YT content to be more normie friendly.
156 sats \ 1 reply \ @jasonb 30 Aug
Oh man! This is really encouraging to hear. There's a real dearth of content that I actually feel comfortable sharing with normies. It's either stuff that would go over their head or just offend them. I'll be excited to see where you go from here.
Love the channel!
why does YT hate bitcoin?
Looking forward to SimplyBitcoin unleashed, no holding back on nostr.
Gotta Include SN into the outlets.
why does YT hate bitcoin?
What are your hobbies? I mean what do you love other than Bitcoin?
My hobby is Simply Bitcoin, somehow that turned into a podcast and now a media company. Still my passion though. Don't think I would of pulled through the dark times if I didn't love it.
Other than Bitcoin, I love my wife, my kid, my family, the beach, skiing, guns, fast cars, good food, and great experiences.
144 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 30 Aug
What one things makes bitcoin click for people more than any other?
number go up.
What's the status on the yt ban
We've been back on YT since Tuesday
What's one thing that made you a believer in Bitcoin in the beginning?
Andreas Antonopoulos and Max Keiser
102 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 30 Aug
What's something you believe about that few bitcoiners agree with you on?
Bitcoin is the most influential political movement the world has even seen since the development of marxism in the mid-19th century.
92 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 30 Aug
Who is the smartest person you ever met?
my dad and my father-in-law
one in social intelligence and the other in analytical intelligence
What's the most surprising thing you leaned teaching normals about bitcoin?
How much people don't care about money or self-custody
I have seen this a lot in old groups that I spent time with. They don’t care about being financially secure and they damn well don’t want to be responsible for their wealth (or lack thereof).
Does this mean they only care about the benefits/downstream of those things?
You said number go up clicks for them so I'd guess they care about having money and being rich, but otherwise don't care.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @AD_ 30 Aug
What advice would you give to plebs that fell into the rabbit hole and want to somehow get involved in bitcoin?
Put as much as you can afford into Bitcoin, take self-custody, live below your means for at least 2 cycles (8 years).
If you want to get involved in Bitcoin just provide value and expect nothing in return. Proof of work goes along way in the Bitcoin community and people will eventually notice.
If aliens showed up, do you think they'd understand bitcoin?
Considering the vast distances between the stars I think if Aliens made it to planet earth they must have a superior understanding of harnessing energy to achieve interstellar travel.
Therefore understanding Bitcoin should be relatively easy for them at least from a conceptual level.
I've seen there's a new wave of unrest going on in Venezuela since the recent questionable election.
Do you follow that situation very closely or are you mostly occupied with Bitcoin/U.S. affairs now?
In the age of social media I think everyone sees everything everywhere. It's a shame what happened but also not surprising. Once a socialist government takes power they rarely let it go.
That being said I think this upcoming election in the US will have huge implications for the Bitcoin industry, at least from a regulatory perspective.
I've seen a few people recommending Nostr versions of video platforms to check out since your run-in with YT. Have you had the chance to look into any of these? (Highlighter and flare.pub were two that I remember off the top of my head)
I've been curious about this myself since I've got some spicy episodes coming up on my podcast and not sure how much YouTube is going to like them 😅
The issue with video content on Nostr is that you still have to store the data on a server. So you either run your own and use someone else's. It's much more complicated than just text from my understanding.
I'm hyped on different Nostr clients integrating video into their apps which I expect should be happening soon.
Will you be posting here regularly or just for AMA today?
Love Stacker News, I stop by every once and a while.
That would be awesome! We can learn a lot from you.
When do you think the world will accept Bitcoin Standard?
That's a tough one. I think we have a huge battle in front of us before that happens.
The future of capitalism is Bitcoin
The future of communism is CBDC
Like the 20th century I think the two system will clash.
How long did that battle take to play out? You can make an argument that it never ended it just evolved.
What's been the most surprising lesson for you since starting down the bitcoin journey?
That's great can we see some photo of your small comapny
have you thought about the option of unregistering as a person, or have you not had enough time to explore that option?
I don't know what that means
Tacos or pizza!
Both are delicious and depends on the day
Do you think there are elements of the current political parties (let's face it I primarily mean the Democrats/liberals/progressives) that are fundamentally at odds with Bitcoin? For example are progressive ideals of equality just incompatible and can never be reconciled with the bitcoin ethos?
Any political party that believes in wealth redistribution is inherently going to dislike Bitcoin because it's not compatible with their belief in "equality" which requires effective mechanisms of taxation.
Income tax is limited because there is only so much you can tax before people stop paying (roughly 50%). Money printing is the most effective covert tax ever created, it's what keeps society poor and politicians much more powerful than they should be. Most people don't realize the money printing tax exists.
Luckily, Bitcoin fixes this without having to rely on the out come of elections.
If you could wave a magic wand and create the ideal crypto legislation for BTC what would it be?
governments think they will regulate Bitcoin, Bitcoin will regulate governments.
Thoughts on Harris vs Trump BTC policy?
Trump obviously. Pro Bitcoin, Anti-CBDC vs Harris is Anti Bitcoin, Pro-CBDC
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @ken 30 Aug
deleted by author
YOOOOOOO, thank you bro!