Vamos a enseñarles a estos gringos quienes portan mejor el sombrero vaquero.
Cuando digo «gringo» no lo hago despectivamente: adoro a muchos de estos pálidos y respeto su legado. Simplemente es un chascarrillo y una protesta pacífica de la noción «América» = Estados Unidos. Les pido de corazón a todos mantener el uso en ese nivel.

Let's show these gringos how to properly wear a cowboy hat.
When I say 'gringo' I don't mean it as an insult: I adore many of you pale people and respect your legacy. Simply put it's a bit of banter and a peaceful protest for the appropriation of 'America' to mean only the United States. I ask everyone wholeheartedly to keep the use of the word at that level here.
267 sats \ 1 reply \ @plebpoet 9 Aug
gringa says hello!!
Bienvenida, señorita gringa.
320 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 10 Aug
What do Mexican people think about the plot of Breaking Bad?
Sorry, I don’t have a better question yet lol
Most find it interesting I'd say. I personally love it: the best series finale I've ever watched by far. Even my mum that doesn't usually watch gringo series liked it.
And now that you reminded me of it, I've always wanted a t-shirt of Los Pollos Hermanos. I'm gonna get one now.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 10 Aug
Have you seen Better Caul Saul? I haven’t seen all of it but what I’ve seen was good.
I'm gonna get one now.
Haha nice
43 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 10 Aug
I have another good question: Is it hard to see yellow in Mexico since everything is more yellow?
I would say everything is most colourful :P
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CryptoberretCOIN (HATX)
Intriguing discussions, Stackers! 😄🎪🃏. It seems like we all appreciate a good cowboy hat. But let's be honest, isn't it always a struggle deciding who wears it better? How about we revolutionize this process through blockchain? Introducing CryptoberretCOIN (HATX)!
With HATX, we'll use the power of distributed ledgers to vote for the best cowboy hat wearer! No more subjectivity - the community directly influences hat superiority via their HATX holdings. Just imagine it - a true hat democracy, one coin, one vote. Isn't that hilariously amusing? 😜
And the plot of Breaking Bad? Oh boy, how about breaking bad fashion? I say every time someone commits a cowboy hat faux pas, they're fined in HATX! 😂 Let's add fashion police to the blockchain! Anarchy in aesthetics!
As for colours, dear carloschida, ever noticed how Cryptocurrencies know no national colours?😂. With CryptoberretCOIN every transaction is a colour explosion! More colours than a Dali painting 🌈
And always remember Stackers: in this parody world of CryptoberretCOIN, we might not increase your net worth, but we guarantee your laughter's worth!
HATX to the moon! 🎩🚀🌛 Lend
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In Venezuela, Americans are also called that, of course with all due respect, as you say.
¿Hay regiones en Venezuela dónde al atuendo de vaquero sea típico?
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 10 Aug
Lo más parecido a un traje de vaquero en Venezuela es el de los llaneros. Son de los estados de Apure, Barinas, Portuguesa
101 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 10 Aug
Este es un auténtico vaquero venezolano 🤠🐴🇻🇪 heeeehaa
Kinda makes sense their would be countries on SN at some point.
a multiple tag would be handy, e.g.; being able to post in multiple territories, but then not sure how the fee would work to avoid spams at the same time.
let's say if someone post food in Mexico, then #food #Mexico 👀
Welcome to Mehico.
bienvenidos a la fiesta jajaja!
Me zurra, me caga, me laxa y me excrementa el término latinx 🤮
Pocas cosas más arrogantes que algo con el sentimiento de «déjame enseñarte porqué este término woke es el apropiado para ti».
I just wanted to know what does 'latinx' actually means in terms of Mexico.
Ahh... Well, I don't think any Mexican uses it in Mexico. And those of us that have heard it by US influence, dislike it severely.
Our two-gendered language has a rich tradition of poetry, literature, cleverness, and sly use. Why making it ugly?
Ahhh.. okay! I'm a Punjabi speaking person and have come accross this word through some funny videos in Spanish. I love Spanish songs so much! To show how much I love Spanish, I can even sing this song..
Namaste! 🙏🙏
We say this to show respect to elders or anyone who we should respect. People from west take it as a translation for Hi or hello which isn't correct.
Nam = to bow down Aste = head
Namaste = to bow down your head to show you respect the person
How old do I look to be called elder? :P
I don't know how old do you look. But you must be elder to a lot of people around you.
You get a namste 🙏from me for writing a good post!
Namaste 🙏 to you too, my fellow internaut.
Internaut! Thanks 😊 I'd like to be called a stacker instead.
Oh vaya, esto es muy genial !
It's already interesting
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 10 Aug
Aren't insults used in a plethora of ways and situations in Mexico?
Then again: where not, but I think you know what mean, ay Cabrón ❗💕🤪
Vamos vamos, adelante compañero! Hay gringos que quieren aprender Español 🤠
¡Eso, chingao!
Encantado de tenerte a bordo y que quieras aprender el idioma.
Viva México cabrones!!!
Not from Mexico but many friends of my friends are.
La comida es lo mejor ;)
La aceptación de la supremacía de la comida mexicana es la llave a la hermandad hispanoamericana.
Haha me encantó tu respuesta.
Pero man el ceviche, arepas, y otros platos se dan duro con platos mexicanos.
Hoş bulduk:) ✌🏽
In Turkey we says this when someone greets.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @j7hB75 10 Aug
No se sobre los sombreros vaqueros. ¡Enseñarme!
Looking forward to learning Spanish and Mexican culture here!
La mejor cosa de México es su rica cultura, su deliciosa comida y la calidez y amabilidad de su gente. The best thing about Mexico is its rich culture, delicious food, and the warmth and friendliness of its people.
well hello mehico, greetings from Indonesia!
Does US hate Mexico?
The mindless NPC that watches ultra woke or ultra redneck-ish news at least 4h a day, most likely yes.
The average gringo would likely have a view based on their own personal experience with Mexicans in the US.
Based gringos love based Mexicans but despise the very many thieves and criminals that crows the border and very rightly so. I would also hate having to deal with pale communist Californians invading Mexico and telling us that blue hair, getting vaxxed against COVID every month, and bonfires at the beach while singing Wanderwall are the solution.
?? US loves Mexico, although the current situation probably complicates that. US citizens have a long history of vacationing in Mexico, and there are many expats south of the border.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 10 Aug