It has been 11 days since the electoral fraud occurred in Venezuela. I will summarize what happened on August 7 and 8, 2024.
Video with English subtitles • • The interview is here on this YouTube link:
• • Nicolás Maduro on Thursday ordered the suspension of the social network X (formerly Twitter) in Venezuela, after accusing its owner, Elon Musk, of inciting hatred and fascism in the midst of an "attack" against his supposed re-election.
He made the announcement on Thursday during an event at the Miraflores palace, from where he gave the order to the National Telecommunications Commission of Venezuela (Conatel).
As of this moment, Twitter has just been banned throughout Venezuela.
And the world continues to demand reports…
After everything we've been through, there are still people who deny that there is a dictatorship in Venezuela. Worse still, there are people who believe that we don't want Maduro because he's not "white." This fight is not about racism, it's about the freedom, sovereignty and security of all Venezuelans. Obviously, this decision to close X is not because he has an imaginary dispute with Elon Musk. It is simply because he does not want Venezuelans to have a voice and a platform to demonstrate his abuses and violations of the constitution. • • While the world continues sending communications and asking for the already verified records to be reviewed and verified 17 times, Maduro is killing, kidnapping and torturing people.
He is also closing communication spaces and drowning Venezuelans. The complicity is disgusting. • • WE NEED YOUR HELP: 3 minutes of your day to report Diosdado Cabello's YouTube channel. I can be reported for several reasons. Please report all of his videos and send a report. If it is massive, he will be taken down today.
In the text of the complaint you can copy this:
This is a channel that is used to accuse opponents without any proof, to divulge private information without the consent of the victims, to attempt against the integrity and life of the Venezuelan population. Youtube collaborates with the state of terror that exists in Venezuela if it leaves this channel open. • • They denounce the sending of troops from the Cuban regime to Venezuela to repress the population.
This is done by the Maduro regime in response to the discontent and refusal of certain troops to repress the Venezuelans.
Full report: • • "If the ICC prosecutor requests an arrest warrant against Maduro and a judge approves it, there are states that are discussing how to implement an arrest warrant against Maduro and that is new":
Luis Moreno Ocampo, former prosecutor and founding head of the Criminal Court • •
• • The number of people arrested in Venezuela that the non-governmental organization Foro Penal has recorded until this Thursday is 1,229, including at least 105 minors, 16 who have a disability and five indigenous people. • • Regime arrests Williams Dávila Barrios, Deputy to the AN for the Democratic Action party.
Williams was in Plaza Los Palos Grandes, in Caracas. So far, his whereabouts are unknown.
• • The Venezuelan dictatorship has just charged four independent journalists with TERRORISTS.
Yes, just as you read it. Complete madness. Anti-terrorism laws to hunt down journalists. This is happening in Maduro's Venezuela. JOURNALISTS AND REPORTERS PRISONED IN THE LAST WEEK ARE CHARGED WITH TERRORISM CRIMES
We denounce the illegal and arbitrary use of anti-terrorism laws in Venezuela, especially against journalists and photojournalists detained during the post-election protests in the country. In all cases, the private defense oath has been prevented:
Yousner Alvarado (photojournalist-Barinas) was presented on #31Jul in a telematic hearing before a special court and charged with terrorism. He is detained at the Conas headquarters, in the city of Barinas.
Paúl León (cameraman-Trujillo) was presented on #06Aug in a telematic hearing before a special court and charged with terrorism crimes. He was detained at Police Coordination 2.0 and transferred to the DIP, in Valera.
Deisy Peña (photographer-Miranda) was presented this #07Aug in a telematic hearing before a special court with jurisdiction in terrorism, charged with terrorism crimes. She was detained at the Quebrada Honda police headquarters and transferred to the women's prison in Ocumare del Tuy.
José Gregorio Carnero (journalist and political leader-Guárico) was presented this #06Aug before a special court with jurisdiction in terrorism, charged with terrorism crimes. He was transferred from Valle de la Pascua to the Cicpc in San Juan de los Morros. • • Nicolas Maduro's dictatorship is arresting anyone who is on the streets in Lara, breaking the "curfew." They are said to be being taken to the new concentration camps of the Chavista dictatorship.
• • Maduro's henchmen have reportedly kidnapped three people in the town of Churuguara, in the Sierra de Falcón, this afternoon. The three kidnapped people are identified as "Elisandro Reyes", "Osmar Sánchez", and "José Antonio Acosta".
• • Manuel Peña, 71 years old and a naturalized Mexican, traveled with his family to Venezuela for a vacation.
Today he is being held hostage by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, and his family is desperately asking for help from the Mexican authorities.
• • While the president of the FVF (Venezuelan Football Federation), Jorge Giménez, asks the players to remain silent, the SEBIN arrests the father of Jhon Chancellor, a player of the national team.
Carlos Chancellor is an opposition leader in Tumeremo, he was the first political prisoner of Chávez, he was imprisoned for 5 years and 7 months for opposing the mining policy. Today, he is once again deprived of his freedom. • • • • Thousands of protesters gather in Medellin to support Maria Corina Machado and President-elect Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.
• • Manuel Rosales after appearing before the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ: "We demand from the CNE, making use of our rights, the publication of the final minutes of the electoral process of June 28" • • Simón Calzadilla demands that the regime present the minutes and results table by table.
The national media take it off the air.
• • • • This Wednesday, opposition councilwoman Beatriz Andrade was kidnapped and forcibly removed from the Municipal Chamber of Freites, Cantaura, Anzoátegui state.
• • • • The Cibeles Palace in Madrid, Spain, is decorated with the Venezuelan tricolor to recognize the struggle of Venezuelans for democracy, freedom and human rights. • •
this territory is moderated
Freedom is not given on a plater of gold. You fight your way to freedom, even with your life. Tyrants do not care about peace. The only thing they understand is terror. If you don't unleash terror on them, they will on you.
That's right, you're right. That's what I was telling someone, it's kill or be killed.
reddit com has been blocked by CANTV in Venezuela
CANTV, the state telecommunications company and the country's main ISP, began blocking @Reddit at 10:30pm on #8Aug (UTC-4)
Reddit was previously blocked on Movistar, for years, it is unknown if other ISPs will implement blocks as well.
Another great recap. Thanks for sharing. I heard about X being banned. Do Venezuelans have another option?
Thank you for your support. Yes, yesterday they banned X, people are using VPNs, we are not going to let them silence us. The only thing is that there are still people who do not know about the existence of VPNs, but we are still trying to help and spread the information as much as possible, the best VPN options and tutorials on how to install them.
Do you know of any organizations collecting Bitcoin donations to help support the protestors?
I was thinking about that this week, because I've seen that there are many organizations raising funds, but I haven't seen any that raise funds with bitcoin. I'm sure there must be some, but I want to post the most reliable one. Right now the number of scammers is also increasing. Today I'm going to dedicate myself to looking for
The situation in my country is becoming more tense every day due to the repression of a government trying to stay in power. The struggle has been constant but still without concrete results.
This world has changed, bro, those who pursue positions want to enrich themselves, that's why destruction is everywhere, everyone feels right, everyone wants to fight for power, we hope that together this problem will be resolved soon.
In this case, the tyrants fight for power and the Venezuelans fight to defend our dignity and freedom.
USA needs to intervene in Venezuela.
Military or CIA intervention like in Chile to remove Allende in 1973
On what grounds could he do that?
President is commander in chief of the military
Monroe Doctrine
No legal grounds but geopolitical interest
An interesting fact, I didn't know that. I also thought that the option was the DEA since Maduro and Diosdado are wanted for being the heads of the cartel of the suns, but the US has no jurisdiction in Venezuela.
I forgot about the drug cartel angle.
We invaded Panama to arrest Manuel Noriega in 1990. I forget the exact date.
Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro delivers a message to the European Union
"Meddlers in the European Union, how many statements did you make when Donald Trump denounced fraud in the elections where President Biden was named the winner?
How many governments in the world asked to review all the voting records in the United States?
Did the London government say anything? Did the UN High Commissioner of human rights? And Trump was left with his cry of fraud.
It's still not clear what happened in the United States. The most powerful power on the planet, fraud was the claim. How many elector records did they review?"
Edit: I do not support Maduro in fact I hate him and I know he committed fraud. But his statements about EU and Trump/Biden are correct. No one audited the USA election in 2020.
How funny how he inflates himself by saying that in Venezuela there is an electoral power center... for God's sake, the same person rules it, so anyone can win, he's an imbecile. The president of the CNE is from the PSUV party, obviously he is not impartial, the same occurs with the TSJ (supreme court of justice).
Yes, saying it that way seems like a good argument, but unlike Venezuela, the United States has freedom of expression, they don't block social networks and chat channels, they haven't censored TV shows, they haven't closed TV channels, they haven't expropriated newspapers, the country hasn't lost 20% of the population to mass emigration, on the contrary, it is the immigrants who continue wanting to invade the United States for the thousand opportunities and benefits it offers. The United States is not at its best like a few decades ago, but it is never and never at the same level as Venezuela, so in that sense Maduro's criteria is nullified. In addition to the fact that Maduro's fraud is too obvious, the results are on the web in a PUBLIC manner, so that anyone from any country can see them, but the only one who denies the legitimate result is him and his regime, not to mention the oppression and kidnapping of citizens. In the United States, you can stand in the middle of any street with a sign saying that you are against Biden and no police or national guard will come to take your life. Maduro does not know where to seek shelter and can no longer find arguments that could be valid. I really liked that you showed me that article, I had not seen it, if you find others do not hesitate to comment. Thanks
Excellent! Thank you very much. Proton is the best option.
Praying for the good people of Venezuela.
Can we donate money somewhere to support the Venezuelans fight?
Thank you. Yes, there are several NGOs or independent people raising money, for hospitals to treat those injured in the protests, to free people from arbitrary kidnappings by the National Guard and others for food. I will look for the most reliable one and share it. Thank you again.
Thanks, I suggest that once you picked reliable organizations/people attach the list to every future update post.
Thanks for the information! It's still mostly non-violent which is good thing. But, Maduro isn't bowing down with such a large scale protest? I doubt he will ever back down.
Yes, the protests have been violent (most of them) but I'm not showing them in this post. Lives have been lost and many people have been kidnapped. Maduro and his regime are still standing with their fake news, but it's obvious that they are desperate.