Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Olympics Medal Tally 🥇 🥈 🥉
Olympics Update: Arshad Nadeem of Pakistan wins third ever Gold medal for Pakistan
Update Olympics: Javelin Throw Live
Olympics Update: Men's 200 M Race
also would occur. But the way "undoable zaps" are implemented, the zaps sit on your client for 5 seconds before actually being sent to the server, so if you close the app/webpage before that 5 seconds is up, it's like it never happened.cashuAeyJ0b2tlbiI6W3si[lowercaseB]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
Olympics Medal Tally 🥇🥈🥉
to go!5
of my daily posting journey, after leaving my trusty cowboy hat in the saloon before leaving town.