I expect the BTC/USD price to fall back down to below 7000 bucks/₿. Yeah doomposting I guess, but I don't really care that much about the price.
I am hoping for a ton of shitcoins to get drowned out in the next collapse. I mean just go to https://coinmarketcap.com/ it's fucking unbelievable how many shitcoins there are. Looking forward to the day that dogcoins, "stable"coins, "smart" contract bullshit, etc. just get completely destroyed. The fallout will be hilarious. Feels like we're still in a massive bubble if shitcoins can really succeed in the current market.
I also think we'll see XMR/USD to be below 70 bucks/ɱ. So like a XMR/BTC pair of like 0.01 ₿/ɱ.
Anyways that's just what I think. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Post your predictions in the comments.
I won’t pretend to be able to predict the bottom. Statistically, we’re all exceptionally terrible at it. However, nothing has changed with the fundamentals of Bitcoin so I’m happy to stack as many sats as I can.
That said, I doubt we’ll go much lower than 20-15k.