On paper, Stacker News shouldn’t have succeeded. 100k sats is not a huge sum in the grand scheme of things, but it gives a strong signal that people are willing to incur losses (at least initially) and slog it out to make their territory profitable.
And it’s not just the monetary cost, either. Founders must invest their time and energy - which are arguably more vital currencies than sats - into building a vibrant community. This involves cold-messaging strangers on Nostr and other platforms in hopes that some will set foot here. This may also involve gifting top posters of the week some sats as a form of encouragement.
Just what is it about Stacker News that appeals to so many Stackers to embark on this high-cost venture?
The desire to contribute back something to SN?
The opportunity to build a curated space that they can call their own?
A profound passion for their subject area and drive to spread it far and wide?
A wish to benefit from the high-voltage signal that Stackers are contributing?
A sense of responsibility to fellow Stackers who post in their territory day in, day out?
A desire to be more actively involved in the sats circular economy?
The reasons for the motivations behind Stackers’ steadfast commitment are probably multifarious. What strikes me as interesting is that the interplay of these local conditions and high-functioning individuals fosters the cultivation of territories and continued growth of SN. Do you think it will be (im)possible to replicate SN’s success elsewhere?
Do you have something for tip?
The secret sauce: money ready to spend