But it doesn't tries to be bitcoin, so that can't be an argument. It's like criticizing a bike because it's not a car. Well... it's not trying to be a car... it's a bike...
You asked why there's so much hate. Not sure how your analogy tracks.
A better analogy: You ask "why do bikes get so much hate?" on a car forum. "cause not car" is a sufficient reason.
It's really not. Bikes get justified hate for being inherently unsafe. That's a sufficient reason, that's an argument. No one will justify bikes getting hate by saying "it's not a car", that's not how an argument works. Unless it's a flawed argument.
Be mindful I'm not saying that's your argument, but if what you brought up is the common argument, then it can be safely discarded.
Hate is subjective. Literally any answer works.
I agree in the case of subjective hate, no discussion there. But I was just curious if there's anything solid supporting it. Like again, people hating motorbikes because they're widow-making machines.
That is so profound and post modern... NOT
Who won the Tour de France?
I did.
that's not funny or clever
try again
Joe momma?