It should be a territory. Currently we discuss it inside Bitcoin which isn't that practical considering the scope of mining is vast and also it requires a lot more aspects to coverup
I’m going to create one and pay the monthly fee for 3 months
I thought about waiting for sub-territories but I don’t want to wait anymore
How's it going so far?
Hey! 👋 good to hear from you
I am going to launch it July 7 or 8
Blockstream mining note matures on July 7
Should the territory name be mining or bitcoin _mining or is there a name you like?
Not much of a positive feedback… do you remember a guy so positive about what he or she thought was a great territory for SN… Garages? And the positive vibes from the stackers? Of course, garages are miles from anything bitcoin related, but I would think twice.
Joe Law a garage repair man
He hasn’t commented since April
Yep, this, look at the comments 🙄
Yup, been working. Only have the energy to scroll and post fluff.
14 sats \ 1 reply \ @joelaw 20 Jul
I paid for a month to try something new.
" positive about what he thought was a great territory for SN..."
How brave and wise a keyboard warrior you are.
Regarding the lack of feedback, people already gave feedback in a previous post about creating a mining ⛏️ territory.
I have a theory why a mining ⛏️ territory has not been created. Miners have no interest in creating content because they are consumed with bitcoin mining.
Non-miners want to learn about mining but don’t want to create and manage a territory that is not their wheelhouse.
I am not a miner and I think I have time to manage a territory. Maybe.
I know the demand for mining is much greater than garage
That will be huge. You see mining is definitely one of the biggest obstacles for non-techy people. A dedicated territory will definitely provide for the learning opportunities about mining.. I've planned for establishing a solar plant here in India but the temperatures were so high that I had to resist it temporarily. Also there are many things that I want to learn before going all in with mining...
I don’t mine but I know a few people who do and they love to talk about mining ⛏️
Is there a lot of discussion about mining on here? I haven't been super active
Not recently You covered it thoroughly in your first post
I think it’s a catch 22: I need to launch by July 8
Let me revise my statement.
Territory or sub-territory for mining