I like to keep my hair relatively long at least for a dude. I don't really do anything extra to maintain my lion's mane, but I've always been on the lookout for hair products that are minimal ingredients and something that I can just run through my hair and that's it. I've tried wax in the past, pomade, clay, sea salt spray, this that and the other, but I am always left feeling disappointed. I just want something that keeps my hair tamed and looking nice through the whole day without needing to add more or feeling like I have all these damaging chemicals in my hair. Well I think I may have found the answer, and it was in my bathroom cabinet all along, coconut oil.
I bought this topical coconut oil a while back for self massage use. I was dealing with shin splints at the time and needed some sort of oil as lotion for massaging. But then I looked at it and thought, I'm sure I can use this for my hair too! And sure enough, it said on the bottle that it can be used for moisturizing and nourishing hair. So I used a bit on my hair and well I think it's safe to say it's my go to now for making my hair look and feel nice!
If you are looking for a hair product to make your hair silky smooth and healthy, all while not having to worry about chemicals maybe give coconut oil a shot! Or maybe you already do.
Bacon grease works too. Plus it's good for your hands and feet. Wipe it on your skin and then use whatever is left on your long hair. If you don't have bacon you can use lard. Daniel Boone used bear grease on his skin and hair like the Indians.
Ohh interesting! I have been looking into shower products made completely from tallow, I would imagine it's kind of similar.
I have used "Fixin Wax" which is 1/2 beeswax and 1/2 tallow. It is solid at room temps though. So you have to warm it up by rubbing your hands together. Interestingly, the skin/scalp hair follicles have glands that make sebum which contains oils and waxes.
i'm always worried that some shampoos could damage my hair, i heard about the coconut oil somewhere. i'll give it a shot.