Hello everybody!
This is my first post here at Stacker News. I am Brazilian and a professional translator and proofreader. I also like music, chess, programming… I was wondering what I should share here. Of course, if I want to stack. Maybe I should share news (it’s on the name, haha) and certainly about bitcoin. I notice it’s kind of the standard. I am an enthusiast of bitcoin too, I even accept it as a payment method to my translation/proofreading services. But I would like to do something different, more pleasurable for me and, then, more sustainable as a habit.
I decided I will code something. Just for fun and because I want to practice some of my skills. Specifically:
  • Bash Script (or maybe JavaScript)
  • Software localization
  • Spanish
  • and Mandarim (just starting this one)

What we gonna do?

I will code a bot to get data about the rates of bitcoin and altcoins. The bot will get the data and paste to a csv file for you to keep track over it. Also, it will send you an email every time a currency reach an specific price you set. Very useful for traders.
I know it is probably a bunch of that stuff over there. Just let’s have some fun…

The languages?

I want to translate this bot into Spanish, Portuguese and, hopefully, Mandarim.


I intent to use only open source code and royalty free content. If you produce this kind of content and think it could be useful to my project, please hit the comments down below. I will be happy to use your content.
Stay tuned on my posts for more.
Contact me if you need my translations/proofreadings services.
Almir Paulo
Bem vindo ! A maioria dos stackers não gosta de altcoins e de falar do preço da bitcoin. Também não gostam que se refiram á bitcoin como crypto. Portanto, estás avisado ;)
Stay Humble and Stack Sats
Hum... Obrigado por avisar. Vou consertar isso!