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Digital asset means any digital representation of value ... that is built as part of a system that to leverages or replace blockchain or distributed ledger technology or their derivatives.
I'm not a lawyer but that's an extremely broad definition that could encompass ALL online financial instruments and rails including the Visa network and CBDCs. If the ledger (database) isn't completely isolated to a single machine then it's distributed...
This effectively gives the president the power to cut off ANYONE from online banking. How can that possibly go wrong?
Wow, I'm just finding out today. Can they really limit people from the financial freedom that the world is opening up to?
Luckily its just in proposed legislation. It wont be in there by the time this legislation reaches the House because the House will not pass something like that.
Sorry what?
They can block your sats, if you have them into Exchange
Good lord
Good luck trying to block Bitcoin
Why is this not higher?!