Incredible Cricket or Incredible Baseball!!!

As a sports lover, I don't wanna draw any lines between any of them. I also believe that we can't draw any because the objectives of every sport are much different. However when it come to Cricket and Baseball, I often scratch my head (may be because of my ignorance for Baseball) and think that both games are quite similar and serve many of the same objectives.
For instance, in both of the games the ball has to be caught by the fielders once it flies in the air. But the level of difficulty while catching is extremely more in Cricket because of the fact that fielders have to catch the ball bare hands. While in Baseball all players catch with their bigger and sturdy gloves!!
While my comparison of the two sports may not be perfect, but I've found something that is worth watching for starting a debate or may be reach a conclusion!!
After watching the video, can you say? Whichis the better sport — Cricket or Baseball?
The Cricket fever is escalating everywhere as T20 World Cup's first match will undergo within the next 36 hours. The first match will be played between two neighbours who are very new to Cricket. New doesn't mean that they lack any talent or glamour. USA has recently won a series against Bangladesh, that is a much stronger side on papers. Canada has also shown their prowess all round abilities in the warm up games and before where they have been scoring hugely against bigger teams.
However Canada has only won once against USA I their last four meetings, albeit the deficit of their loses were very minimum. So, this game must be a spectular start ti the world cup.

Who's your pick? US or Canada?

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Here are the details:

Reminder: Cricket T20 World Cup Survivor Pool on Stacker_Sports

50000 Sats up for Bounty.

Simply Predict the Winner of Upcoming T20 World Cup in the US and the West.

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Baseball but I’m also biased and have been ignorant about even knowing how crickets rules work. Although, I can def see the appeal.
I can bet on it that Cricket will be a very big thing in America in the next decade. All Cricketing fraternity wants to include America to cricket mainstream (have been quiet successful till now), so much so that they are organising a World Cup here.
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Thank you kindly
Your welcome 🤗
In case you need any help regarding selection of players and results, don't mind asking me on the pool page.
Baseball is better but I am biased. I spent 14 years playing baseball growing up and have been a fan of the game my whole life. I do have a new found respect for cricket thanks to you and will probably watch a match or two of the upcoming world cup but baseball will always be my true love.
Your love for Cricket will be rising match by match and once you start engaging more and more, you will find it quite interesting.
Which matches you think you gonna watch?
I suggest you buy tickets now because most of the matches are gonna be a house full!!
I'm still sticking with baseball at this point! I've played it before and have been a fan most of my life, so it's hard to unseat that. However, I haven't followed MLB in quite a few years. Most of my enjoyment of it comes from the college level and lower.
That being said, cricket is an enjoyable sport to watch. There's definitely some similarities to baseball which helps. Those two sports are the only thing I follow outside of motorsport! I'm certainly looking forward to the upcoming tournaments and hope to watch at least a few of the matches live when work and sleep schedules permit.
Great! I would suggest, If possible go and watch in the stadium.
Have you joined the pools?
I would like to go to a match, but unfortunately money and time don't permit this time. I'm not a big crowd person either, so I don't often go to events.
I'm not in the pools right now, but I'm planning to drop in a few entries before it starts. Still trying to make an educated guess!
Just drop them lest the entry time is over.
I've given an option to change your picks in between the tournament, so you can change them later on when you think you need to change
That's good, I'll try to pull everything together and drop my picks in there.
Waiting for your submissions!!!
I feel like I've got no clue what I'm doing, but I made picks! 😂 Thanks!
Cricket. And much like my American and Canadian friends here, I am biased too.
Cricket is like a religion here in South Asia and to get uou the truth no game has when come closer in popularity to Cricket for 1/3 of the population of this world.