Collaborate with Congress to return to an Ellis Island style of processing immigrants. It should be simple for those who wish to come here to work and build a better life to appear before immigration officials at an accredited port of entry, be given medical and criminal checks to assess their safety and receive a visa allowing them to immediately find employment. This is a process that should take, at most, days; not months or years.
A "permission to work" is such an objectively dumb concept.
Immediately end all tariffs
Finally libertarians that actually are pro global free trade
I recognize that there are aggressors and victims in war. I would allow private parties, including defense contractors, to voluntarily contribute funds and sell weapons to our friends without fear of violating any Federal laws.
Yes, capitalism and free trade. Sell F-35 and B-2 sales to Ukraine if they pay for it themselves. If a buyer and a seller agree, the government shouldn't stand in the way.
I am an opponent of the death penalty. In too many instances the government has carried out an execution and it was later found out that the convicted were innocent of their crimes.
idk but found that interesting
Deschedule cannabis with the stroke of a pen – legislation isn’t required.
The libertarian movement has too many people that want everything and everything now. Refreshing to see that there are still people that want to actually work on liberalization. Good.
Reduce Federal spending to pre-pandemic levels, balancing the budget.
I take my previous statement back, he shouldn't work on making small progess. This statement is absolutely disappointing not going far enough. A smaller government needs to be smaller than 2019.
this territory is moderated
Let's not throw away our votes to somebody who has no chance at winning. Rather, let's progressively elect more and more pro bitcoin candidates. Voting for guys like this is akin to betting on shitcoins.
Although ideologically I align very much with Libertarians, I find that they are afflicted with "should" instead of "does".
Meaning, they get wound up in viewing the world as it "should be" and ignore the reality of how the world really is.....this causes them to basically waste their life supporting people like this....
Donald Trump is an ego-maniac clown....and yes he loves low interest from federal reserve....however he (a) is generally antiwar, (b) is pro-bitcoin, (c) and isn't using rhetoric that targets me.....thus that triangulates to my probable support.
I'm also interested in lots of things RFK says and I haven't written him off yet. There are just a few things of trust I have with him that I can't quite articulate or pin down. But in theory he says many things that I agree with (except his climate change stuff).
By this logic we will never ever get what we want.
And this is exactly why first-past-the-post sucks and what's great about ranked-choice-voting
He is a clown 🤡
If you are hanging out with the trans crowd, you really don't understand the first thing about freedom.
With freedom you can do what you want as long as you don't hurt anybody else.
No, you can't. Classic example: Shouting fire in a crowded theater. It doesn't hurt anyone AT FIRST.
seethe harder republican
Libertarians will always defend individual
thought we were all voting trump after he came out as pro crypto and wants to free ross....oh well. that didn't last long.
This guy seems to want to change too many things at once. Not that I dont agree with what he is saying.
If Libertarian Party members were serious about making a difference they would focus more on state and local elections and issues