Todays 5 day forecasts are like 3 day forecasts from the 2000s or 2 day forecasts from the 90s or like 1 day forecasts from the 60s.
Especially short forecasts like 3 day forecasts - that like pretty close to perfect. Unfortunately it looks like it's levelling out...
Deepmind has made improvements in this area as well [1]. Traditional weather forecasting relied on essentially supercomputers but now we can run better simulations on cheaper hardware in a shorter amount of time.

Can it be done also with btc price prediction? ;-)
Like most of us, I've been quite interested in watching these forecasts very often. I've found them to be getting more and more accurate over the years for sure. This is definitely true.
The data looks pretty much the same. Who actually relies on 10 day forecasts? That is idiocy.
I thought 5G was supposed to mess this all up. And also sterilize us.