Bitcoin’s first ever transaction took place on 3rd January, 2009. So this milestone comes 15 years, fourth months and four days after Bitcoins creation.
On average the network has processed 178,475 daily transactions over its 5,603 day existence.
This milestone also doesn’t include any transactions made on the Lightning Network - this is strictly layer 1 transactions.
And it reached this milestone without a single government, bank or corporation in control.
Love these milestones. There’s no stopping BTC. Looking forward to 100k. 🚀🌅
Define a "transaction".
Was MacBook Air's trx, which had received six confirmations, a transaction? It was, by my definition. It isn't included in that 1,000.000,000 count.
There could have been many more like these, back in the day, before bitcoin had any value of significance.
Just look at your node and count the transactions
Formal, Transaction: an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds.
Accounting, Transaction: any business activity that results in a direct effect on the financial status and financial statements of the business.
This is just one of many. Probably shouldn’t think too much about it, it’s just a fun look into the numbers we have.
Awesome milestone. This is what permisionless money really means! Let's not forget it while others try to censor money transmitting.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 6 May
That’s incredible!
and for many more transactions to come!
Its pretty amazing, isnt it? Dont you feel like the bird parent watching your babies fly out of the nest?
Onward 🫡