Can't say I'm shocked. What surprised me about this piece, though, was how active he still is on Twitter (or X). No mention of Nostr at all.
of course it has a board..
It's a company, ofc it has a board, what are you talking about?
“don’t depend on corporations to grant you rights. defend them yourself using freedom technology. (you’re on one)”
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 5 May
Explains why he's been posting so much more often on Twitter. Hard to give up on 6M followers...
Spoiled billionaires have a lot of mobility.
Appears to still be a developing story. We'll probably hear more in the coming days. Interesting.
What is wrong about being active on X for him ? He can still reach those who doesn't know or use nostr yet. He is influential, let him use that rooten bird to make some mind up.
Haha Just another thing that happens. I told you there was something off about him.
Ohhh! Jack Dorsey also loves that Blue check mark behind his name. He can't leave his ex (Twitter) , or may he hasn't found a new love till now..
He will definitely regret his decision to sell Twitter.
Or, It's the starting of that life-long lament?
it's a BS disaster joke of an app.