Played a board game called Codenames for the first time today at my friend's birthday party. It was actually a very fun game, simple in design, but gets you thinking and using your imagination.
I hadn't played an actual board game in a while so it was quite refreshing. I would say the other physical game I've played in recent memory was Cards Against Humanity which always is a good time playing.
What are some of your favorite board games? As a kid I loved playing the Japanese version of the Game of Life, as well as Chinese Checkers. Mancala I often played as well during indoor recess in school whenever it was raining outside.
I was in the chess club when I was in school so when I had kids I really enjoyed teaching them how to play... I still enjoy playing chess with them now, although they beat me most times! This both frustrates me and makes me proud!
As a child I didn't play much of these games, I think they were just chess, ludo and monopoly, I was more into running with a ball, riding a bike or maybe climbing a tree... And I also played a lot with my action figures !! But my wife is the opposite case. She grew up playing a lot of board games, and I have been thinking about surprising her with a game that is unknown to me that could be attractive to play at home with our daughter... Any information or advice would be very helpful. help, thanks. Although the ones you mention in your publication have already helped me to start investigating, thank you again