Here's a username/pw I spun up if anyone wants to check out this archive that went live this week.
Username: pw: DPIAlogin21!


#1: THIS IS BY NO MEANS A FINISHED PRODUCT. We continue to work on the archive to refine the labeling and the categorization. We understand this may present some difficulties in using it initially, but Dr. Greer felt the material should be made available sooner rather than later. We are looking for an experienced digital archivist who can help with these tasks of refining, labeling, categorizing, and adding new material. Until we find someone with the experience and know-how to do that, the archive will pretty much remain in its current state – A WORK IN PROGRESS.
#2: HOW TO USE THE ARCHIVE: You will see on the home page the various categories into which the material is divided. You may search through the categories themselves or you may use the global search bar at the top of the page to search by name or topic. In each category, the most important information will be in a subcategory called “Top Priority Documents.” We will be populating the categories with more data, refining the lists of important documents, and creating modules within each category to connect the dots. This is a process that will continue over the years.
#3: CAN I DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS? At this time, the information in the archive is for viewing only and cannot be downloaded.
#4: HOW IS THE ARCHIVE SUPPORTED. The archive is supported by YOUR donations. Please use the donate button to give generously. If donations do not cover the archive expenses and maintenance fees, we will, unfortunately, have to install a paywall.
#5: ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE: If you have evidence that you wish to contribute to the archive, please write to: Please include as much information as you can related to the background of the evidence, including - how you obtained the information; where you obtained it and when. Please include your full name, address, phone number, and email. We have a tiny staff and may not be able to reply to all submissions. At our discretion, your evidence may or may not be made a part of the archive. We reserve the right to evaluate it based on our vetting criteria and decide whether it will be added or not. By submitting the evidence, you are giving us permission to use it in the archive and for Disclosure Project purposes. You also agree that there is no guarantee the information you provide will be used.
#6: WHISTLEBLOWERS/WITNESSES. If you are a government or corporate whistleblower, please contact us at: We are not pursuing civilian sightings or cases and cannot respond to those inquiries.
#7: CROWDSOURCING/REPORTING ERRORS. We have done our best to review the archive, redact personal information, and categorize items accurately, however, our staff is very limited. If you find items you think are grossly miscategorized, personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers, or other overlooked items, please let us know by contacting us at



  1. (from the document 'Dan Willis Witness POC.pdf')
Oh, thanks