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Expect the attacks to continue.
You have people in gov who hate that bitcoin weaseled its way into their corrupt system and want to ensure that now that it is there it plays by their rules.
A frying pan transfers heat...
A USB cable transfers data...
CashApp transfers money...
Anti money-laundering regulation transfers the duty of law enforcement to private companies...
so Cash App with their 100+ lawyers fail. At what point do we say current regulations / rules don't work...
they havent been convicted or had to settle anything so i wouldnt call it a failure at this point.
Well it's clear that they're in the crosshair
Who is we?
Some of think the are already broken...
When does the "we" mean the majority of americans and decision makers? Yeah
I was just about to post this. Is Jack Dorsey the next target?
Is Jack Dorsey the next target?
Yes. Good possible.
He should avoid it personally. If not it will be yet another unfair case VS banks. How many bankers really got behind the bars for anything
I wonder how safe strike is from this nonsense.
A pleb just needs a place for direct deposit to hit, that enables him to convert 100% into btc......without fear of the state showing up with guns.
that would require peer 2 peer transactions and self-hosting the software. any money company ( and by association its customers) will be bent over by the feds, no exceptions
"Then they fight you"
They aren't examining. They are trying to kill the innovation and freedom.
so lame
Satoshi showed us the way by staying humble and anonymous. But we wanted fame and profits. Feds will chop every head sticking out against their corrupt system.
@Moro said this but I want to double down on it. The state system is on attack mode. Its clear. This doesn't mean these people will lose. Important to remember who we are dealing with. Scumbags. Hypocrites. Unlawful actors in MANY CASES.
Yes, but they gave themselves a monopoly for violence. In every nation state. And they sure glad to use this monopoly.
Yes, they are.
Compliance, compliance, compliance. The government's favorite word.
You think the government is realizing that btc is here to stay? Now they are trying to get your money from all your previous transactions?
I thought the Government was cool with terrorist groups now?
The government is a terrorist organization. Either you play by their rules or else they kill or imprison you.
"...Block processed multiple cryptocurrency transactions for terrorist groups."
Those pesky terrorist groups