Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 28 Apr
The hardest things output the highest value.
Bitcoin only ๐Ÿค™onward
Of course l come to my shift and they talk about cancelling a contractor last minute because their own planning is shit.
26 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 27 Apr
Of course I get to the airport for my flight and right when I check my bag the flight is delayed for 30 minutes.... smh
Today I came across this, it made me very funny lol
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 27 Apr
The safest job is to be an influencer for the government.
Learned backstitching today ๐Ÿชก
Picking up a small skill or learning something new is s a day unwasted:)
This sounds like the circle of life. Lol
me happily dropped off from finding a job there ๐Ÿคฃ
54 sats \ 1 reply \ @Tef 27 Apr
You are a lucky girl!
you create your own luck!:)
Time to up my game (workwise)! My plan... use what I already have and make it bigger and better! Then... let it loose into the universe!
Some 12 hr shifts seem like they last forever.
He should just wipe his ass with that worthless paper. Limiting the government is not having more freedom, you are just a little less slave, but still slave.
91 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 87 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Howdy gang!! The weekend has finally arrived and it's the last Saturday of the month, year is going fast, right? But no fret my friend, as long as you have your goals set, your mind focused and filled with purpose it don't matter if it goes slow or fast, just keep going forward. The important thing is for you to keep improving and do what you love to do, the rest will fall into place and before you know it, you'll be right we're you want to be. Remember that you, my friend, are important and you're worthy, you deserve amazing things, all you have to do is visualize it, say it out loud and act like you already have those things, it will happen, just be patient and with the eye on the prize. May your weekend be amazing and awesome as you my friend, may it be filled with success and love. Enjoy it, relax and let it all wash over you. As always, be well and stay frosty my good friend!!
Day 131 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 329 sats on 26Apr2024! Running total: 86,739 sats!
Landscaping and mulch today. Proof of work?
Day 27 of my daily posting journey in the MSM era. previously: #519527 ๐Ÿค โšก

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I think a lot of Leo Tolstoy is grandstanding meaningless bs. Just an honest opinion.
Still zapped it tho.
Were you thinking of anything in particular?
โ€œ There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." "To say that a work of art is good, but incomprehensible to the majority of men, is the same as saying of some kind of food that it is very good but that most people can't eat it." "True life is lived when tiny changes occur.โ€
Read that and tell me it doesnโ€™t just sound like a bunch of words that sound good put together. The whole thought really is quite pointless and ill-thought. That is considered one of his more famous quotes.
That seems like three distinct quotes from different works, though I don't know which.
I'm very sceptical of internet quote culture, I find it to be a huge net negative in terms of understanding. It seems that everyone points to the same few lines of the same few works and very often they make no sense outside of their context. To point to the original quote:
When you understand everything you can forgive everything.
That's taken from War and Peace and I recognised it, but it's a female character written by Tolstoy quoting a French-Swiss author who wrote:
Comprendre, c'est pardonner.
In the novel, she says (in French):
Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner.
It's usually translated as:
To understand all is to forgive all.
It helps paint the character and illustrates the influence of French thought and language in Russia at the time of Napolean's attempt to conquer it. Throughout the novel, Tolstoy is scathing as regards the Russian aristocracy and its mindless acceptance of Western European culture. Like Dostoevsky, he sees it as a mark of low self-esteem in the Russian character.
So in the end, I find reading quotes and making assessments based on them can often lead to judgements that don't reflect the author's work or intentions.
I'm fond of Tolstoy but he has a huge of body of work I haven't read. I was just very surprised at the level of vitriol, I've never seen that before regarding his work.
Like I said, a lot of grandstanding. Also, not quite vitriol. I enjoy direct communication. Itโ€™s why I enjoy Darths comments.
I'm not familiar with Leo Tolstoy's work. And even that statement is debatable, which is also why I'm sharing it.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 27 Apr
Here is a really good one.
37 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 27 Apr
Not all of it is ego driven. He has a few golden quotes. Check him out.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 27 Apr
The lack of knowledge makes the banking and monetary system still working
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 27 Apr
This is a very well known one, but I love reading it every time. We should do more to educate ourselves and our neighbors.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 27 Apr
โ€œReal estateโ€™s mainly been a good investment because itโ€™s a short on the underlying fiat currency.โ€ - Lyn Alden โ€œAnyone can use the cheatcode as far as weโ€™re concerned. All you have to do is start accepting Bitcoin.โ€ - Christopher Gordon Some informational and inspirational stuff here. Kudos to Peter and WBD
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr
how does pedro always pick the wrong sponsors?
I occasionally see folks talk about cryptocurrency in ~crypto.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone discuss Facebook in ~meta, though.
Need to be a little more careful while while browsing SN and playing a game. I bind "scroll wheel up" to left click and sometimes forget.
I just tried scrolling up, cursor was on a lightning bolt, zapped it like 6 times ๐Ÿ˜‚
You're a one-man zapathon!
Turbo zap was off thankfully haha
78 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma 27 Apr
Good morning stackers.
Day 90 of 100 push ups till $100k completed. Have a nice day.
Nice work! 100 push ups for me too :)
First time in a long time that I had no notifications when I logged on.
Maybe I should be a little bit more productive.
Here you have one notification hahaha
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 27 Apr
Protect yourself and your loved ones.
Nerd Alert! Perhaps the Singularity occurs when we treat robots like family. Nothing says family like decals on the minivan. Of course nerds will be on the bleeding edge of this trend.
Just threw out my cheap house shoes. Fell apart not even a year in of use.
been using a handmade leather shoes for more than one year, still feels like new.
You are a sat treasure
just need to take the time or do the work to find the good stuff, they usually come from ppl who enjoy making them.
another life cheat code:)
sir.... you didn't know about this method to stack more sats?
Ok, I will tell you something today... I don't want to create a new main post for this, is more like a "cowboy" warning in the SN Saloon. If somebody else would like to investigate more, following the money, an investigative journalist or something, please go ahead, take my suspicion and follow the facts, write the story. I am giving you just another point of view.

Silk Road leads to Samourai

I said many times that Silk Road case was sting operation, prepared by the feds FROM THE BEGINNING. I studied a lot that case, because I lived those days. Silk Road was the first hit the feds wanted to do against Bitcoin because it was getting too much attention.
  • Silk Road was created by the feds, then they coopted/convinced Ross to run it. They needed a patsy. Even that he didn't know, they have those abilities to do such thing.
  • they let Ross to run it, watching it closely and even encourage it
  • they wait until it became big so will have a huge impact on Bitcoin community.
  • they also accumulate all the info about its users for "future use"
  • they put Ross in jail for life so he cannot speak anymore about this
Do you want to study more about Silk Road case? Here I put a series of links to information that matter in this case
Now, after many years, Samourai operation got "busted". It looks like busted, but is not, is just a facade.
I will call it here before anybody will say anything: Samourai was another sting operation organized by the feds, for years. Same as Silk Road.
Why? Obviously: to hit hard again in Bitcoin community and also keeping away all the normies and those newbies that just entered into this world.
The whole story of Samourai stinks. This is linked to way more other operations then we can imagine. I personally do not believe that the Samourai devs were not feds, pretending to be bitcoiners. Yeah maybe deep inside they were bitcoiners, but working for the feds from the beginning.
  • feds couldn't link so many bitcoin addresses, users, wallets without collaboration from such a service
  • this whole story of "money laundering" stinks badly and is the fabricated story to get them jailed and later lose end of them, converted into some kind of protecting witness or something like that. Their faces will not be anymore in the news.
  • feds needed such tool to be able to hit hard Bitcoin community
Interesting take. Read this book if you want to know how they get the humans to do things.
Yes, MK Ultra is not a "dead project" as many think. It is still used.
Check this episode about Anom: and you will see that my point about Samourai make more sense.
Yes, I get the connection. There is a lot of seed planting to cultivate criminal activity this justifying the agencies.
Thank you. I found this on fountain. I'm listening now. By the way always check out No Agenda
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @BTCSRB 27 Apr
Dear Darth, do you think if Liquid Network is fed's sting operation? Or even Boltz? Peg-out in Liquid and swapping LN to on-chain on Boltz can also be useful in collecting addresses and users just like in Silk Road and Samourai.
they coopted/convinced Ross
and why Ross is agree with that?
maybe deep inside they were bitcoiners, but working for the feds from the beginning.
again, why the devs do that?
Just think about this...
too dark...
Ross doesn't have to agree. he just played a role without even knowing. That is a patsy. A clueless executor.
In Samourai devs case, I think is different: they knew about whole operation and they helped.
I bloomed a little. ๐Ÿ˜„ I don't know what tree it is.
is not sambucus? The flowers are very good to make a detox refreshment drink, with lemons
I think you're right. Thanks. Its benefits are incredible.
@DarthCoin pilled me about Anunnaki, but I'm still really amazed by the beauty in Islam and the Sufi dance, I feel there's some truth in it or maybe I'm more amazed by the beauties people in the past created? like they showed this level of focus is possible, but I still don't know how they can drew this, look at the details!
๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿ’Š
deleted by author
its a bit negative lately in SN, too much bad news...
let this beautiful music brighten up the day!
conquer them with beauty! โšก๏ธ
My son received a trilingual (English, Mandarin & Japanese) game set from my friend. Heโ€™s thrilled. Iโ€™m grateful that people think of me when they wish to declutter their toys haha.
How many languages can you speak btw?
4 - 3 native level and one conversational:)
Only English, but I can read Spanish decently well (although even that's pretty rusty at this point).
Sometimes I can decipher the other Romance or Germanic languages.
Joke of the day:
A cowboy dies and, he was a bad fellow, he goes straight down to hell. When he gets down there the devil is waiting. The devil says, 'you have three choices for ways to spend your eternity. Do you pick door number one, two or three?' The cowboy says, 'Let me check what's behind door number one.' The door opens and he sees hundreds of people standing on their heads on a wood floor. 'I don't want this,' he says, 'let's try door number two'. The door opens and he sees hundreds of people standing on their heads on a hard cement floor. 'Woah! I don't want to spend the rest of my life like that! What's behind door number three?' The door opens and he sees hundreds of people drinking coffee, and having a good time, but they are all up to their knees in horse poo. 'I'm a cowboy, I'm used to horse dung. I'll go with door number three,' he says. The devil hands him a cup of coffee and introduces him to the crowd and leaves him to it. After ten minutes, the devil comes back in and says, 'Coffee break's over. Everybody back on their heads.'
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Reign 27 Apr
Excellent joke. Look up how to do markdown through latex. Put headers and space it out a bit. It will be easier to read and you will stack more sats.
thanks friend, next time I'll customize it that way.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 27 Apr
Day 92 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5x25 normal/narrow, 12 pike Total: 137 (Day 196 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 95 of 120+ pushups per day)
Great job mate, 100 push-ups here too and a lot of pull-ups
Day 378 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
They said that we need a grandma phone to use Bitcoin. Here it is
Day 4 of posting till the next halving
485 sats \ 16 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr


Although this term may seem simple, i.e. โ€œa person who pays taxesโ€ we need to understand that only a person can pay taxes, but not a living breathing man or woman.
Therefore if you accept this title, you have agreed to become a person, and therefore you have become taxable.


To understand the meaning of Citizen, we must first address the word State.
Note: the word State is referring to your state of mind. Your state of mind has to be controlled to accept the legal fiction of government.
A State is a legal corporation, set within a nation or territory, from which a political community controlled by a government reside. In basic terminology it is a business.
A citizen is a person who owes allegiance to the State, and is entitled to โ€œrightsโ€, privileges and โ€œprotectionโ€.
Meaning that a citizen is an employee of the business called โ€œThe Stateโ€, and as an employee you have traded your freedom and rights, for privileges.
Your status is now at the lowest level.
Amazing. You're educating about the best approach about freedom.
It's been forever now when human freedom has been wrongly interpreted.
When they say, "By doing so you're not abiding to the State."
I reply with MF mode on, "I don't serve the fucking STATE anymore, I'm with the FOSS now.""
Now go read the anatomy of the state by Murray Rothbard
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr
did, gifted about five copies, still have one, listened to the audio on youtube short read
Note: the word State is referring to your state of mind. Your state of mind has to be controlled to accept the legal fiction of government.
also from what I noticed, many people attach too much with their "own country", like they might feel being attacked or something if you say something bad about that place - when you don't feel anything whenever others mention about the place where you were born to even live in, then it would be a good state of mind.
you are a unique and living and breathing man/woman, not under any imaginary borders.
the forms are written that way... it should be written instead of person to citizen. so how does one correct this?
Dear judge, i am not person?
read previous
221 sats \ 6 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr
learn, ask questions
asking, as king :)
the hamster want to break free from his bubble? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
121 sats \ 2 replies \ @Hamstr 27 Apr
this hamster doesn't reside in USofA.
121 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr
mindset is key, 90% of the work
See? You are going back to "jurisdictions" when in fact is not about that. Start learning before you say more nonsense.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Hamstr 27 Apr
why is it shorten?> this is first time I'm seeing this!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 27 Apr
the links? it's SN magic, I just copy/pasted the links
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