Hey, Stackers!
I want to share a weird thing that happened today at Fun Fact Friday – Best Fun Fact Gets 10,000 Sats. My post was the top post almost all the time:
So I was quite naturally expecting the post to be rewarded as the winning post.
But guess what happened instead?
10k sats were sent to @Coinsreporter's post, even though it was way down in the "top posts ranking".
My legitimate question is why this happened? Have the rules of the "game" been changed? It says that the best comment as voted by the "top" filter at 9 am CT tomorrow gets 10,000 sats.
So @sn, what just happened?
I know that the sats are yours and you can send them to whoever you want, but you should be honest and modify the above rule, saying instead that 10k sats will be given to whoever @sn (the owner) likes and not to the "top post".
Participants at Fun Fact Friday – Best Fun Fact Gets 10,000 Sats have to know this in advance.
P.S. This post probably will be downzaped, but I don't care. I just wanted to say this!
219 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scoresby 20 Apr
I don't think your post will be downzapped.
It's interesting watching SN figure out how to use sats as a tool for moderation
If sats total was the only ranking mechanism, we might expect events Luke Fun Fact Friday to end up with people creating alt accounts and zapping their own entry up 9999 sats.
Clearly SN can't use sats total alone to determine ranking of a post.
So they add some weighting factor (trust) to the mix.
There is trust based on your interactions with other stackers and then there is a different trust based on the whole website (global trust).
Previously, I had thought that tapping on the top tab showed you the rankings with global trust, but @ek's comment here, makes me think that is not the case.
I don't think your post will be downzapped
This has happened in the past. After I expressed my disagreement or my point of view about something, I saw my comment or post outlawed. But anyway.
Previously, I had thought that tapping on the top tab showed you the rankings with global trust, but @ek's comment here, makes me think that is not the case.
Yes, me too. Despite @ek's comment, I still don't believe this is an algorithm issue, but they just wanted to give the sats to that post and that's it. Otherwise, every post of yours or every comment of yours would appear as a "top post" to you when you click on "top", but this does not happen.
That's why I always said: all these SN games and madness leaderboards are rigged. Do not fall for them. Simply don't play stupid games, use SN just as a regular forum where your "punishment" is to pay sats for whatever you do. SN is NOT a gaining sats platform, is a spending platform to post content. But yeah many people still don't get it.
SN is NOT a gaining sats platform, is a spending platform to post content.
Tbh, I still gain more. How about you? Assuming that zapping is a zero sum game, devs don’t do it for free either, I wonder who is on the other side.
You need to log out (or use incognito mode in your browser) to see global consensus, this might be why you saw your own comment at the top. Feeds are personalized so top is biased towards your own view if you're logged in.
I might be wrong though so /cc @k00b.
189 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 20 Apr
That's right. This is confusing though. My plan is to make top global consensus only.
This would be great (and is what I previously thought was the case).
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 20 Apr
I’ve noticed this.
When I sort by top I get @Coinsreporter's fact as top so might just be appearing top for you.
Good fact though.
Yes, Koala fact is interesting.
For me your Fun Fact was equally amazing.
I wish you all the best for next time. I hope, you've now got the answer why my fun fact won it this time.
But, there's also one more factor that actually did it for me and I want to share it.
I've been following FFF for more than 2 months now. Everytime I invested some of my time while selecting a fun fact to comment. Every week I did it, but didn't win. I could habe left it considering it's rigged or whatever.
But I suppose my perseverance and persitence has paid this time.
Meme Monday Fun Facts Friday RIGGED
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 21 Apr
This happens all the time (if you're paying attention). It's why I don't waste my time on FFF and meme Monday anymore.
OK. Good to know this! I won't waste my time on FFF and meme Monday anymore, too. Thanks!
Money makes fun thing un fun.