Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 19 Apr
Welp, hopefully we don't find ourselves in WW3... this decade blows.
So I'm half watching a really stupid ABC show called 911, and some international criminals have kidnapped a woman in order to get her husband's dongle loaded with bitcoin. It's so bad I don't care about the well being of the woman or the dongle.
Good Morning to everyone from India...
I've been playing with the chords D - Am - F - Dm - Am - A (in various combinations) on my uke with some finger plucking patterns (2-3-4, 3-2-4, 3-2-4-2-3, 4-2-3) to practice easier chord switching (and that darned D chord). Finger plucking patterns are a fun way to explore math and sound.
110 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 18 Apr
On some level I think bitcoin toxicity might serve as part of a release valve for the in-group's tensions - which have to be extremely high given our consensus needs. Girard would probably say they are scapegoat hunters, the early stone throwers.
I always figured it was the geek social fallacies at work, but I definitely see elements of scapegoating.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 19 Apr
Great share. I definitely suffer from #1.
If a group thinks ostracizers are evil, it probably fails to ostracize the earliest ostrasizers. It makes wonder if there are other equilibria for bitcoiners.
Yeah, I also suffer from #1. And I think you just nailed a corollary about ostracizers there.
I need a 🥃
Cheers. I’ve just finished my 🍺.
Brains just released lightning payouts
You can connect a lightning address
Pretty interesting to stream mined sats to your lightning node
I'll keep you freaks posted
Ah, TheWildHustle see's. Funds will be released via lightning payout when the halvening hits.
Looks like the minimum payout is 1 satoshi.
This gives beer money to space heating plebs.
Switching to ocean once their lightning is up and running.
Day 369 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
5021 sats \ 1 reply \ @mango 19 Apr
Day 150 of horseposting. Final post
Horse stance: 5 minutes!!
P.S. Did it with closed eyes and a 5 min alarm. Form was not right when I opened eyes. Needs lots work, will be continuing the daily practice and maybe will hit 7 min in good form in another 21000 blocks!?
deleted by author
Better late than never. Great job
The snail goes on…..
Maybe one of the most amazing things one could achieve is having people traveling all the way to meet her or him while focusing on your craft.
Just made a Nix OS AI bot on @plebAI
I'm feeding it data from the Nix OS website, community chat, and SN Nix OS territory.
I'll probably post about it later today. Wild times freaks.
Cute introductory to Bitcoin
My little one just said "how many sats can you fit in a Bitcoin"?
I thought it was the most awesome way to frame the question.
When I replied "100 million", she said "woah".
my goal this year is to start using wallet for spending & receiving amounts worth a total of a beer, coffee, and a sandwich (~50k sats)
Nice. Before territories I used to spend my sats rewards on gas gift cards purchased from the bitcoin company. Now I spend them on territory fee and just walk everywhere. Haha, just kidding about the walking thing. (kinda)
what are these territories? 🤔
Territories are the different categories people can post in like bitcoin, Econ, meta, etc
149 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 18 Apr
Finding your purpose in life means doing what results from trusting yourself.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 18 Apr
When this ends poorly, you weren't worthy of trust.
It does not mean trusting yourself is stupid. It means you were.
Good morning stackers.
Day 81 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
82 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 78 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Hey gang!!! How's your week going?? Hopefully is going amazing and productive, this week thankfully has been rather busy and successful but the week ain't over yet so we still got to give it our best, always thriving, improving, adapting and focused on the goal, I wanted to wish you a successful day and also wanted to thank you for being and for existing, for doing your best and always trying to do so, I know sometimes it's difficult but you've got this, you're still standing, you're still here, you've got this my friend, you are important and you matter, never forget it, as always, be well and stay frosty my good friend!!
Will do, thanks Coach!
Thanks my friend, will do, have a wonderful day!! Let's do thiiis!
My MSNBC friend just texted me: "Hey, I just heard that big banks love bitcoin?" Shit, this guy is the best contrarian indicator I know.
Hey Siggy,
Yesterday Hustle had a conversation with a pleb running a publishing business.
The books and articles territory could offer discounted publishing services for any freaks looking to create and distribute their work as a hardcover or whatnot. Hustle is thinking that it would add another stream of revenue for the territory and give aspiring authors a cool path forward.
What do you think? Thanks, Hustle
Yep, I was just looking for this very thing. I needed a POD with sat option.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 18 Apr
I'm absolutely interested. In fact, I believe @jbschirtzinger was in the market for these services just recently. Unfortunately I think he went elsewhere, but I still think they should contact each other. He should post in the territory and introduce himself.
Cool, I just sent him an email.
Much appreciated freak.
That's funny. Sure they love bitcoin. Right
That is hilarious. I have an acquaintance that knows my passion for Bitcoin and seems to pop up and make a snarky comment at the precise bottom of every cycle. "How do you like Bitcoin now?" he will say. His timing is uncanny. It's the ultimate smash buy indicator.
I've long said that a music or movie critic whose taste is awful is better than one who's right 75% of the time. With the former, I know if I'll like something damned near every time. Same idea with your friend.
More to the point, I have another friend who is always talking about tv shows and movies. My wife and I really value his opinion. If he likes something, we know we'll hate it, and vice versa.
Early start to the weekend. Heading up north
Day 122 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 637 sats on 17Apr2024! Running total: 81,988 sats!
What % of nodes send gossip within a given time frame? Could do a cumulative distribution So far, 24% in 3 hours Not recording results just passive observation 4% in the first 5 minutes tho would be cool to do a timelapse of the heartbeat
Day 83 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 50 normal/narrow, 30 wide, 16 pike, 16 pseudo, 16 side-to-side, 16 diamond, 24 spiderman, 24 staggered, 24 normal/narrow on knuckles, 25 explosive Total: 241 (Day 187 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 86 of 120+ pushups per day)
131 sats \ 6 replies \ @Cje95 18 Apr
Does anyone else thing this looks pretty sick for a crypto wallet or am I alone in this?
Crypto? Come on. I'm trying to eat. Making me lose my apatite.
So much pretty!
When I first saw this project I thought it super cool! But idk, didn't really function as a proper hard ware wallet, and I don't even know if it ever launched?
So they launched the Game Boy one I guess within the last day or so and all 1,000 units sold out almost instantly. It will be interesting to see what people say when they get their hands on them since you are supposed to be able to play the games that they have on it to earn more BTC
I also think that it might be a different one since this came from BTC Ordinals
Could be wrong about though
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 18 Apr
what is crapto?
is what gov employees (like OP) are using - gov employees are paid with ordinals NFTs in form of paper bills, and they are happy for it :)
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Zed 18 Apr
Good morning everyone, hopefully the dip continues. Hearing a lot of negativity in the media. A lot of people are letting me know how early we are still.
51 sats \ 4 replies \ @Taft 18 Apr
Howdy Stackers!
A naive question here: When you read a good article or watch a good video and you like it and you want to share it here on Stacker News, why would you do that?
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @Zed 18 Apr
Did you mean to say how would you do that? If it’s why, because I want to connect with others and share interesting things with like-minded people.
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @Taft 18 Apr
I mean "why".
Because Internet...
Because knowledge is meant to be shared and expanded upon. Not hoarded and kept secret where it will wither and die. That's why.
Got my cowboy hat in my hand this morning, last couple of contributions I've made on sn I've felt have made more work for the team not less
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 18 Apr
Why do you feel that way?
If it's because of back and forth: I think it takes less time for us to criticize existing code than to come up with own code :)
It was mostly the fact that the capture scroll stuff still isn't working. I get that with your and k00b's knowledge of the codebase you can quickly refactor my solution if it isn't quite right, but it still feels bad when your work gets sent back to the kitchen regardless.
I take it in stride as best I can!
It just dawned on me that I've been breaking my hat record every day. I have a feeling I'm going to lose it on Saturday.
68 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 18 Apr
GM SN! Just working at the fiat mine today, but counting down the days until I’m on a boat!
GM Cowboys and Cowgirls ⚡☕🧡
Is there more or less hype than last halving cycle? For me it feels like less, even with the ETF hype. But I wonder if it is because I have been around and am much less affected.
The real reason could very well be be the removal of 💩🪙s from my consciousness. Bitcoin clears the mind and the path.
So close to 3000 stacked! Will I do it? I am not online a lot today as it's my ironing business day😫
I did it!!!! Thank you!!!!!
We got our cow manure yesterday. When I walk out the back door the odor is strong, but not unpleasant.
daily for the win
This is why so called democracy is shit. Only 30 users voted. From how many in total? So now 30 users will decide for the rest.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo 18 Apr
Not all stackers connect daily. Poll should have stayed open for longer to collect more votes
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 18 Apr
Good point @DarthCoin! The irony is that the very ancient Greeks who invented democracy did not believe in it at all.
The thing is that greeks were having a different "democracy" than we have today. The so called "representatives" were responsible with their head if they did something wrong. Also they weren't elected by vote. Each citizen had their duty to be by rotation an "administrator".
Greeks invented the vote, but the elected were different than today.
"Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than one man. How’s that again? I missed something.
Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Let’s play that over again, too. Who decides?"
--Lazarus Long
Created this past tense poster from scratch today. Feeling less guilty about not being an epic English teacher haha
wow, really nice! is this part of a show or something?
they should keep talking till reach Bitcoin 😂
No, is just a short video about the basics of natural law and human interaction: do not do harm.
21 sats \ 6 replies \ @Lux 18 Apr
natural law is the rules we can not change
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @Lux 18 Apr
natural and of God mean the same thing in law
31 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 18 Apr
since it's Korchula productions, check Korčula island, one of the most beautiful small towns on croatia coast
Korčula island
Beautiful! A nice place to build a citadel. Question: why the water is so clean and blue around that island?
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 18 Apr
why the water is so clean and blue around that island?
it's the same all over the east adriatic coast. the natural currents keep and bring all the pollution to the italian side :)
I like how he said all human actions is the drive to be happy.
Day 18 of my daily posting journey in the MSM era. previously: #508746 🤠⚡

The later is the road to hell
Good distinction! In my modest opinion, throughout history have been made only attempts to make people equal, not the opposite.
Good one. Can't go wrong with Hayek.